April is the kindest month. April gets you out of your head and out working in the garden.
– Marty Rubin

Hello April!

I am so very happy that you are here and it would be nice if you just amble slowly along… key word being slowly!

This month I have some things on my “To Do” list:

  1. Sew up a couple of Toaster Sweatshirts. I have the pattern all traced off, and pinned to one of  the fabrics! I need to get that cut out and pin out and cut the second so I can do some Assembly Line Sewing!!
  2. I need to finish up my handspun sweater!! And once I have the Pi Socks done that is moving to the top of my list!
  3. I start PT next week and I am planning on having “homework” which I will be faithful about doing every day! And I am just not even thinking about the Graston Scraping part… ha!
  4. I got some new “trekking shoes” that I want to break in a bit before we head to Erie at the end of this month. Walking has been an “iffy” proposition thanks to my damned hip, but I am going to swap out my “regular Sherman walk” shoes with the new shoes and hope that short daily walks will break them in … enough!
  5. Weeding… yes, the weeds are growing, so I need to spend some time in the garden beds or I will never catch up! But… being outdoors just is the perfect April thing!
  6. It is National Poetry Month and I picked up a couple of poetry books from the library… I am spending the month reading the poetry of Wisława Szymborska… which will be the perfect thing for the month!

There you have it… my ambitious plans for April. What about you? What are you looking forward to this month?

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