December To Remember

December To Remember

On a day for remembering all that was good about the past year, December had so many good things on that list!
May you have a safe and happy New Years Eve!
Happy, Fulfilled, and Proud

Happy, Fulfilled, and Proud

Carole has me reviewing my year to determine the following:

10 Things You Did in 2015 That Made You Feel Proud

Wow, this one is a bit of a challenge! I am certainly proud of my new granddaughter, Genevieve – but she is not something I did. I am also proud of my children for a variety of reasons, but especially now that they are all out of school I am so proud of how well they are all doing at “being adults” – but again, not something I did either.

For me, 2015 was a “Year of Making” coupled with lots of learning! Please join me as I look at the things I did, learned, and made this year – things that make me proud of myself!

  • 2015 was a very good year for knitting at Casa del KatKnits – I took a fantastic class with Amy Herzog and finished knitting not one, but three sweaters that fit! This was truly a herculean task as in my 15 years of knitting, I had, to date, never knit a sweater that fit. I also knit a good bit for Genevieve, and I completed my third summer at Camp Loopy! Sixteen projects in the “complete” column prove that I did lots of knitting this year!
  • It was also a good year for spinning, I spun more yardage for Spinzilla than I ever have before and the yarn made from that spinning was pretty darn impressive as well!


It’s a Marshmallow World

It’s a Marshmallow World

The marshmallows are done, bring on the Christmas!


There is nothing better than homemade marshmallows atop a warm cup of chocolate on Christmas morning.

Happy Christmas, Gentle Reader!

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