Reading, Knitting, and Blogiversaries

Reading, Knitting, and Blogiversaries

Ten Years ago there were lots of new things popping up all over:

  • Twitter was founded
  • NASA launched New Horizon on its mission to Pluto
  • Dexter and 30 Rock debuted


Ten years ago today I wrote my very first blog post here, and while there has been some “down time” here at the blog, over the course of these past 10 years blogging has improved my writing skills tremendously and it has increased my sphere of internet friends. I am thankful for the first and blessed by the latter – AsKatKnits has definitely had a positive influence in my life. I would like to thank everyone of you who take the time to read my blog, occasionally or every day. Your interaction here means so very much to me.

Apparently, 10 years ago, all the cool kids were jumping on the blogging bandwagon – who knew! If you have not gotten wind of Kristen’s 10 Year Celebration – you should definitely go here and check out the merriment she has planned for the month of April.

But, today is all about reading and knitting. The socks from last week are inching along and I am about half way through The Marco Effect. But to celebrate today, I am having an EPIC bind off (crochet off?) of, what else, a Kristen Kapur design! Yes, mark another FO in my column for the year!

The Beauty Outside

The Beauty Outside

The very definition of ‘beauty’ is outside. – Adam Carolla

The weather is turning nicer and, appropriately, Carole wants to know:

10 Things You Love To Do Outside

Does Carole have perfect timing, or what? Especially with the weather warming nicely here, I am itching to get outdoors and do things!

10tuesHere are my 10 Favorite things to do outdoors:

  1. Work in my garden. There is really nothing better than watching things you planted to grow, bloom, and produce! While I do have a small flower/perennial garden – my first love is my vegetable garden and especially eating and preserving the good things we’ve grown!
  2. Al Fresco dining – I just love it. Outdoors, fresh air, and good food. Is it just me, or does everything just taste better outdoors?
  3. Cooking outdoors – from grilling to making pizza in the pizza oven. Perhaps this is why the food just tastes so much better – because this is not a flavor you can replicate in the house.
  4. Enjoying sunrises, sunsets are nice too but there is just something spectacular about a sunrise.
  5. Walking along the water’s edge – especially the shores of Lake Michigan, perhaps my favorite place on earth.
  6. Improving my photography skills with the spectacular things in nature – nothing like a nice walk outside to give you a new perspective on photography!
  7. Exploring – my city and places I visit.
  8. Enjoying the wildlife in my neighborhood. There is nothing quite like sitting outside listening to the birds sing, watch the hawks, and see the deer (yes, we have lots of deer in Pittsburgh!)
  9. Knitting and spinning!
  10. Another of the best things of summer. Nothing quite like sitting around the fire as the day draws to a close. It is just so peaceful.

There you have it, my outside favorites, but tell me, what is your favorite thing to do outside?



It was one of those weekends where you need a weekend to recover from your weekend.

There was lots of baking, lots of cooking, a glorious Easter sunrise, and a good bit of eating!28collage

Easter was early this year, but the weather did not make it seem like that – it was 76 in Pittsburgh yesterday. On March 27. Yeah – that was crazy, but eating outside was certainly a treat!

Last night I was ready for bed by 8 o’clock – literally, ready to go to bed to sleep! I tried reading and no dice. I gave up and turned off the light.

You will find me quietly easing into Monday wishing it was Friday, which seems miles and miles away.

Pour me another cup of coffee, I think it’s going to be a long week…

The View from Here – Good Friday Edition

The View from Here – Good Friday Edition

mar25postSpring is most definitely springing here!
On this most solemn of days, the world outside my door seems to be telling me to slow down and enjoy the beauty around me. I will even find time to meditate with a favorite reading for this time of year, The Ragman.
Have a very Happy Easter, Gentle Reader!
A New Day, A New List

A New Day, A New List

Today I am putting the final touches on my Easter Feast Menu, which created a list of what I need to pick up from the grocery store.

Thankfully it is a short list.

What I really am loving is my Midori Passport Notebook which I am using for my wallet. I love it because I have my lists with me!

  • Lists of knitting patterns with yarn requirements
  • Lists of sewing patterns with yardage
  • Lists of measurements of places in the house, in case I find that possibly perfect something

And, lists of things for meal planning – like this Easter list!

I hope your week is going well and if you have to-do lists that they are almost done for the week, mine still has a few things on it, but I don’t feel nearly as out of control as I did yesterday.


Wednesday’s are for knitting and reading…sometimes

Wednesday’s are for knitting and reading…sometimes

This week started off deceptively slowly, however today I feel like I am chasing the snowball downhill and I am never going to catch it before it crashes into the weekend!

But, as it is I will try to grab a few minutes today to knit a bit more on my Morwenstowe Socks – maybe just a row or two. The pattern is the right combination between patterning and mindless knitting and the yarn is so lovely. Thanks Yvonne for the great suggestion!

PicMonkey Collage

Why so little you ask?

Well, as you can see, I am reading The Marco Effect by Jussi Adler-Olsen and it is one of those books that is impossible to put down!

Just what my week did not need – an impossible to put down book in a week with a miles long task list!

Thanks to Ginny for hosting Yarn Along, where you can find some really good reads and even better knits! Go look for yourself!

What are you reading this week?

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