On the Precipice of Something Good

On the Precipice of Something Good

I hope as you all reflect on what 2015 brought you and ponder what 2016 holds for you, may this be your guide:

I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You’re doing things you’ve never done before and more importantly, you’re doing something. – Neil Gaiman

Here is to a bold and exciting 2016 to you all!

Happy New Years!

December To Remember

December To Remember

On a day for remembering all that was good about the past year, December had so many good things on that list!
May you have a safe and happy New Years Eve!
Happy, Fulfilled, and Proud

Happy, Fulfilled, and Proud

Carole has me reviewing my year to determine the following:

10 Things You Did in 2015 That Made You Feel Proud

Wow, this one is a bit of a challenge! I am certainly proud of my new granddaughter, Genevieve – but she is not something I did. I am also proud of my children for a variety of reasons, but especially now that they are all out of school I am so proud of how well they are all doing at “being adults” – but again, not something I did either.

For me, 2015 was a “Year of Making” coupled with lots of learning! Please join me as I look at the things I did, learned, and made this year – things that make me proud of myself!

  • 2015 was a very good year for knitting at Casa del KatKnits – I took a fantastic class with Amy Herzog and finished knitting not one, but three sweaters that fit! This was truly a herculean task as in my 15 years of knitting, I had, to date, never knit a sweater that fit. I also knit a good bit for Genevieve, and I completed my third summer at Camp Loopy! Sixteen projects in the “complete” column prove that I did lots of knitting this year!
  • It was also a good year for spinning, I spun more yardage for Spinzilla than I ever have before and the yarn made from that spinning was pretty darn impressive as well!


It’s a Marshmallow World

It’s a Marshmallow World

The marshmallows are done, bring on the Christmas!


There is nothing better than homemade marshmallows atop a warm cup of chocolate on Christmas morning.

Happy Christmas, Gentle Reader!

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