Hello, my name is Kat and I am a fossil fuel user…

Currently, there is not a 12-step program for addicts to fossil fuels but perhaps there should be.

Living in Michigan, I thought us immune to the danger of a catastrophe similar to the likes of the one that is decimating the Gulf of Mexico right now. Nor did I ever think that we needed to worry about an Exxon Valdez type calamity ever washing up on the shores of any of the Great Lakes.

Who knew that in my own back yard, an oil disaster was brewing?

Sometime earlier this week, an underground pipeline owned by Enbridge Energy Partners released into Talmadge Creek some 840,000 gallons of oil. A drop in the bucket in comparison to the amount that spewed into the Gulf over the past months, however it is devastating to the fragile water Eco-system of West Michigan. This morning, Michigan Radio reported that already at least 50 geese have died and that the EPA is monitoring the toxicity of the area.


Of Bigotry and Men

A little light dispels a lot of darkness – Rabbi Schneur Zalman

If you have not heard of Mark Williams, I am about to introduce you to him, and while it is not a pleasant introduction I believe it is necessary.

Mr. Williams’s infamy is growing, specifically surrounding some statements he made recently. He is not only a member of the Tea Party movement but apparently a leader as well, and personally, if I were ever so inclined to become a member of this organization, which is highly unlikely, this would make me resign.

Mr. Williams is obviously a blind and ignorant bigot, but what surprises me is the lack of outcry from fellow Tea Partiers about his disgusting statements. While many bloggers, pundits, and reporters have shed some light on Mr. Williams and his comments there has been very little, if any, protest from the people who classify themselves as Tea Party Movement Members.

It causes one to believe that all Tea Partiers are of like mind, does it not? What is it that they say about birds of a feather…?


Cat comes on little rainy feet…

Cat comes on little rainy feet…

It has been an interesting week here at Casa del KatKnits, one with teasing glimpses at the sun bookended by gloomy, grey, rainy, and cold days.

Monday was one such gloomy and wet day, but waking at my usual hour I set about to brew some coffee and what to my wondering ears did I hear?

A cat was hanging from my back screen door meowing miserably outside in the chilly, grey, dampness of dawn. Her plaintiff cries were not quite enough to overcome the fact that she was doing a remarkably wonderful job of slicing up my screen.

However, she was persistent and when she was still miserably meowing some 2 hours later and with threatening skies, I took pity on her, put her in the garage, and headed off to Job #1.

Upon arrival home from Job #2 some hours later in the day, the rain was showing no signs of letting up at all. I let the little imp in the house for the night and set out the next morning to pick up a bit of cat food for her.

Today, she has been bathed, had her toenails trimmed and it appears she is staying.

She certainly does not look like she is in a hurry to leave, does she?

Now what do you think I should name her? I am looking for suggestions, Gentle Reader!

Here is some perhaps pertinent information about her to assist you in your challenge:

She is milky white, with some black spots. She has a Siamese-ish face, and she follows me about as if she is a dog.

Therefore, we implore you; please leave us a comment here with your name suggestions…

In Celebration of Me!

“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” ~Dr. Seuss

As many of you know, I lost my job last December and to say it has been challenging to find replacement work is an understatement! I am fortunate, I guess, to have not one, but two part time jobs. Neither of which equal one full time job, but it is more than many have today.

Dr. Seuss’ words of wisdom are particularly needed today…there is no one alive who is ‘me-er’ than me.

Therefore I thought I would take a moment to remind myself of some things worthy of celebration… or at least sharing some distinctively (and positively) me things!

I have always been a wildly independent person; however, I have discovered that there is greater strength in the love and support of a friend when you least expect it. It is nice knowing that someone believes in you even when you cannot believe in yourself.

I have a great sense of humor, but I can honestly say that I can laugh loudest at myself.

I feel compelled to lift people up rather than tear them down. That person cheering in the underdog’s corner… it is more than likely me.

I am an early riser – I wake most mornings before 5AM without the aid of an alarm clock. I have been this way for almost my whole life. Perhaps this is why morning is my favorite time of the day.

I think differently than other people, very differently. Most days, that is a very good thing and as for the days it is not a good thing, here is to them ending just as quickly as they began!

Therefore, as the “unofficial” start of summer begins this weekend with the arrival of Memorial Day, I would ask you to leave me a comment of some things that are incredibly you! Teach me something newer than new about you!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Thoughts on Yarn.

Thoughts on Yarn.

I’ve always done things the hard way. I was born like a piece of tangled yarn. The job is trying to untangle it, and I’ll probably go on doing it for the rest of my life. ~Karen Allen

I honestly can admit that in the past 10 years since I have been knitting there have been more days than not that yarn has consumed my thoughts.

Recently though, the yarn thought process has taken on a completely new meaning.


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