Randomly Friday

Randomly Friday

Watching: I finished House of Cards this week, and that is all I will say about it. No spoilers here! And, Netflix added in more episodes of Happy Valley. Plus, The American’s is back on Wednesday nights!

Prepping: For Easter – this involves menu planning, and shopping. Also, I am looking for dessert ideas and I’d love it if you’d share!

Spinning: I have been working through a bit of Sheepspot Clun Forest/Babydoll Southdown roving – it is spinning up so effortlessly. I really am happy with it. I also have been carding a Shetland fleece that I washed up late last year. My plan for these lovely rolags – yarn for Rock the Lobster. They will pair up with the salvaged Briar Rose Fibers yarn from earlier this week. I have a bit more carding to do though before I am sure I will have enough.

Mar 18 collagePlanning: What we will be planting this year and where it will go – crop rotation, you know! I am happy that I have herbs sprouting, and the rhubarb and raspberry plants made it through the winter! And, it appears a salvaged Lilac will have a good year as well.

Celebrating: Since Pi Day and the Ides of March both passed quietly, we did have a bit of a St. Paddy’s day feast – Lamb Stew, Guinness, and Irish Music counts as a celebration in my book!

Discovered: Duolingo and I am working on Danish right now. So. Much. Fun.

Counting: The minutes until the day is over and the welcome to the weekend can begin. There will be Manhattan’s and good eats coupled with the best companionship and conversation.

I hope your weekend starts off just as nicely! See you back here on Monday!

Venturous Harbinger of Spring

Venturous Harbinger of Spring

These brave little snowdrops brought to mind the poem by Wordsworth…
To a Snowdrop

Lone Flower, hemmed in with snows and white as they
But hardier far, once more I see thee bend
Thy forehead, as if fearful to offend,
Like an unbidden guest. Though day by day,
Storms, sallying from the mountain-tops, waylay
The rising sun, and on the plains descend;
Yet art thou welcome, welcome as a friend
Whose zeal outruns his promise! Blue-eyed May
Shall soon behold this border thickly set
With bright jonquils, their odours lavishing
On the soft west-wind and his frolic peers;
Nor will I then thy modest grace forget,
Chaste Snowdrop, venturous harbinger of Spring,
And pensive monitor of fleeting years!


A Meal in a Squash

A Meal in a Squash

Some months ago, as the local farmer’s market was winding down and autumn vegetables were abundant, we got quite a few acorn squash which have been waiting patiently in my cold cellar for their moment to shine. The weather has not cooperated, but it got very cold this week!

Start your ovens kind of weather!

Eat comfort foods kind of weather!


Happy, Fulfilled, and Proud

Happy, Fulfilled, and Proud

Carole has me reviewing my year to determine the following:

10 Things You Did in 2015 That Made You Feel Proud

Wow, this one is a bit of a challenge! I am certainly proud of my new granddaughter, Genevieve – but she is not something I did. I am also proud of my children for a variety of reasons, but especially now that they are all out of school I am so proud of how well they are all doing at “being adults” – but again, not something I did either.

For me, 2015 was a “Year of Making” coupled with lots of learning! Please join me as I look at the things I did, learned, and made this year – things that make me proud of myself!

  • 2015 was a very good year for knitting at Casa del KatKnits – I took a fantastic class with Amy Herzog and finished knitting not one, but three sweaters that fit! This was truly a herculean task as in my 15 years of knitting, I had, to date, never knit a sweater that fit. I also knit a good bit for Genevieve, and I completed my third summer at Camp Loopy! Sixteen projects in the “complete” column prove that I did lots of knitting this year!
  • It was also a good year for spinning, I spun more yardage for Spinzilla than I ever have before and the yarn made from that spinning was pretty darn impressive as well!


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