Go Ask Alice!

Go Ask Alice!

Okay, I am not regressing back to the 60’s – but if you are wondering how much house work I got done – Go Ask Alice. 

If you are wondering how much laundry I got done – Go Ask Alice. 

If you are wondering how much knitting I got done – Go Ask Alice. 

Do you see the theme here?

Yes, Alice lured me into spinning up the undyed Bluefaced Leicester I got at the Allegan Fiber Festival.  She has a siren song – I am helpless to resist.  I am heading out today to find some waxen ear plugs that I can stop my ears with – sort of Odysseus like.  Although, maybe if I can convince my children to do all the housework – I can lash myself to Alice and spin away! 

Well – here is the before – 2 bobbins full of creamy white goodness.  The yarn has a lovely sheen to it that this picture does not do justice to.   

Here is the detail shot of my 1900+ yards of BFL.  The sheen is a bit more apparent here, I think.  I have not set the twist yet, but let me tell you how soft this is. 


Yeah, lovely huh?  I wish you could feel how yummy it is.


I googled BFL last night and I found a farm in Coopersville where I can get fleece from.  Ummm, Coopersville is less than 30 minutes from my home…. This could pose a problem! 

Next on my “need to learn” list is how to clean and prepare a fleece to spin. 

Now, on to more pressing problems – Naming the new “Little Kitty”.  There has been a vigorous debate going on between my children and me as to what to name this little black character. 

My son liked the choice of Salem.  I liked Madame Defarge (Maddy for short), and Heidi – oh Heidi – she has been calling the kitten “Negra” – spanish for black.  Yeah, that was not working for me!  At all!!!!

So, in light of how well democracy works in a family  – I, in the end, used my parental veto and removed Negra from the slate of names.  After a couple more days – one was obviously perfect and  without further ado – I am announcing the newest member of the Christensen Huis – Madame Defarge.

 Ewe-niss is the winner!!  I will be emailing you for your snail mail address to send you a package of yarny goodness!  Thank you all for playing.

 Have a great Saturday everyone!

And the name is….

Hello everyone.  Well, we have narrowed the choices down and are trying a few out on “Little Kitty” – I hope we have a decision soon.  Of course, we all like a different name.  I will keep you posted and announce the winning name later on.  I will also email the name suggester as well. 

I am convinced that life does not get easier as you get older.  Last week I lost my job.  Yep, how awesome is that?  In this economy I am a bit concerned about finding a replacement job.  I have interviewed, but I have not heard anything.  I am determined to not “read” anything into not hearing anything from them.  I obviously need to work on patience.  I have gotten a couple of phone calls from other lenders – but I am not certain that I want to continue lending in this marketplace. 

I have been reading other friends blogs – and loosing ones job seems inconsequential compared to what  is happening in other bloggers lives.  I also need to work on seeing benefits instead of problems!

So, what did I do all weekend? 

Well – I did some spinning, some knitting, some reading, and a lot of meditation.  I am thankful that my craft allows me to clear my mind of what is stressing me out and focus on where I need to be. 

I am blessed to have supportive friends, a loving family, and faith that this will all be alright. 

I am also extremely blessed to find solace in a most unexpected place, from a most unexpected person. 

My ex-husband.

So, stay tuned to see where this leads….

Stay safe and warm – we have cold weather heading in and SNOW in the forecast!

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