Love your neighbor as yourself; but don’t take down the fence. – Carl Sandburg

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Sparks of Joy That Burn Brightly

Sparks of Joy That Burn Brightly

While doing some Konmari in my office last week, I found this…

IMG_1099 It is the first thing I ever created. I was about 5 years old and my Nana (who was an amazing seamstress) was sewing and I wanted more than anything to learn. She helped me make this pin cushion. I cut out the pieces under her guidance and sewed them on her sewing machine. I was infinitely proud of this small project and a crafter was born. I used this pin cushion for a long time, and then it got packed away with the sewing machine – both sitting long forgotten for a good number of years. The sewing machine is out and back in use now, but I had entirely forgotten the pin cushion until I found it cleaning out my office.


A Few of My Favorite Things

A Few of My Favorite Things

In this week’s 10 on Tuesday prompt, Carole sets for us this urgent task:

List 10 of Your Favorite Things Right Now

Well, this very minute here are a few of my favorite things!

  • My Bialetti Moka pot – every day this is my favorite thing, but looking back on how much money I have saved by not buying coffee because of this little pot, it deserves first place my list. Yes, it is better than Starbucks, by a LONG shot!
  • Weaving – I really have my weaving groove on and I hope this continues for a good long while!
  • My daily journal routine – I know I have said this before, but it really helps me focus my day and increase my productivity and creativity!
  • Which sort of goes hand in hand with yoga – if I miss I day, I really can tell. I really love the quiet intensity that it brings to my life.
  • Konmari, oh how I love thee! The process is slow, but steady. Thoughtful Reduction of Stuff is happening and last week, some items found a new home and were happily sent on their way!
  • Garden planning – revisiting what worked well and what did not work well.
  • The discovery of London Fog Tea Latte via Pinterest, me and my afternoon think they are pretty darn amazing!
  • Singing in my church choir, especially with Easter coming – best music of the year, just sayin’!
  • Our Sonos speakers. Best. Thing. Ever.
  • And, finally – Sherman, although he is my favorite all the time, but most especially right now! From how happy he is to see me when he wakes up (which is hilarious because he sleeps in the same room!), to him moving his bed to be directly next to me when I am working. He is my comic relief – daily.

There you have it, Gentle Reader, a few of my favorite things.

The View From Here

The View From Here

Reading: A Malmö Midwinter: An Inspector Anita Sundström Novella by Torquil MacLeod – it should be a quick read. Should being the operative word. But, I have been falling asleep almost immediately upon getting into bed. This might frustrate me, however, since Insomnia has been on an apparent vacation, I will take the sleep while I can get it!

Knitting (and spinning): I cast on Hop Brook by Bonnie Sennott with some handspun Dorset Down. I am about half way through and I carded the remainder of the fiber to spin this weekend. I am also in the home stretch for Kirsten Kapur’s Mystery Socks – just the toes to go and I will be done!


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