Tiny Moment Tuesday | 4.3.18

Tiny Moment Tuesday | 4.3.18

Yellow daffodils
Bring sunshine on fragile stems
On grey, rainy days

Steve is back at work today, and #The100DayProject begins today. For me that means 100 days of movement, and yes, even on grey rainy days!

I hope your Tuesday, like mine, finds you back to your regular schedule!

Tiny Moment Tuesday | 2.27.18

Tiny Moment Tuesday | 2.27.18

This morning was frigid, but glorious. Sunshine and a cacophony of birdsong greeted me when I took Sherman out.

And snowdrops. A plethora of snowdrops!

I did not plant them, they were here when we moved in, just one solo little cluster of tiny flowers. But, this year, they have spread and there are 7 or 8 clusters!

My favorite harbinger of spring with their tremulous little blossoms – hardy and fragile at the same time.

Happy Tuesday everyone!

Tiny Moments | 2.20.18

Tiny Moments | 2.20.18

After my finish of my Olympic-Bang-Out-A-Carbeth sweater, this morning I am indulging myself in Ali Smith’s Winter and a lovely iced coffee (yes, the weather here is divine!)

I have nothing more pressing this morning than finishing up the laundry and blocking my sweater!

What tiny moments are happening in your world today?

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