Partly Cloudy With a Dose of Bottled Sunshine

Partly Cloudy With a Dose of Bottled Sunshine

I saw this recipe on a blog recently and it peaked my interest. The only problem, the grapefruit’s at the market were A. not on sale and B. they did not look appealing at all. However, oranges were and they were bright and sunny and blemish free.

The wheels of my brain began turning; oranges and a bit of fresh basil might be just what the Dregs of Winter needed to foster the hope of more sunshine and warmer weather.

The recipe is surprisingly simple. It would work with a variety of fruit and herb combinations and really, why wouldn’t you want to make seasonal beverages to brighten your day?


Girding your loins against Old Man Winter

Girding your loins against Old Man Winter

With Old Man Winter holding us firmly in his grasp, my thoughts turn to an array of comfort foods – ones that are warm, satisfying, and that might just conjure up distant memories of childhood past. Now, while my poor mother was not a spectacular cook by any stretch of the imagination, she would on occasion make some rice pudding. It was truly a superb treat to come home to on a cold winter’s day.


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