Currently | 2.14.25
It has been more than a minute since I sat down and pulled together a snapshot of my life currently and this week seems like the perfect time to do that! For a short month, February is full (and feeling achingly long!) Knitting — the button band on my Bolin...
“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end”
― Seneca

Unraveled Wednesday | 2.12.25
Greetings Unravelers and Happy Wednesday! Drumroll please...I have departed Sleeve Island! Button Band Alley up next! Actually, I started my trek down Button Band Alley Sunday night after my departure from Sleeve Island but then a couple of things happened... Philly...
Sometimes Monday | 2.10.25
Is for finding community! Like all of you, I have been struggling with all the stuff that is overwhelming us daily. I have spent more time "doomscrolling" than is healthy but on one of my recent avoidance sessions Professor Crunk, aka Professor Brittney Cooper,...
Friday Life Savers | 2.7.25
Oh, Friday... I am ever so glad you are here! It has been a full week... a bit too full perhaps and next week does not look much better! But even in "not busy" weeks it is so easy to get bogged down by the Tsunami of Chaos that is barreling down on us each day. I have...
Unraveled Wednesday | 2.5.25
Greetings dear Unravelers and Happy Wednesday! My doctors appointment on Monday did indeed result in more appointments (one surprised me with the urgency... I see specialist #1, the ENT, next Tuesday. I assumed my stomach issues would mean I would see a...
Hello, February! | 2.3.25
February is the border between winter and spring. — Terri Guillemets And that border became very visible in my backyard over the weekend! Why you ask? Well, those daffodil bulbs I planted 2 years ago... colossally huge daffs... are poking leaves through the dirt and...
Unraveled Wednesday | 1.29.25
Greetings Gentle Unravelers and Happy Lunar New Year! Being a person with an overly large case of ophidiophobia... I am not certain I will be celebrating "the year of the snake" but I did not know that this year is considered "transitional" and prepares the way to the...