Hello everyone! I had a meeting yesterday with the owner of the “Thistle Gallery” in Douglas – she wants to put my knitting in her shop! I am so excited! I will have 4 felted bags done for her opening on Thursday – and more for her “Grand Opening” in June. I am working on some “Wobbly Circle” totes for that and some Noni bags. I need to get my bio to her for publication in her press releases. I am just stunned as I have only been knitting for about a year and a half. My husband, Kyle, is very impressed – he said to me this morning when he left – “work hard today”! That is too funny! The gallery is very unique – she has filled it with the work of local artists. She does some beautiful glass work, herself. Copper and Penny will be happy to sit with me and knit today! Copper is on the left and Penny is on the right – they are our “babies”. They are half brother and sister Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. They are certainly enjoying me being home everyday! I also have to finish up the stoles for confirmation – my son is confirmed on Sunday. Have a great day everyone!
Nous rencontrons souvent dans le domaine de la sant� La production de NONIsant� exempte de pesticides � lieu dans une partie privil�gi�e de l’�le de Tahiti, sur les hauteurs o� le Noni sant�se cultive en abondance et donne toute sa force et toute la vigueur d’un fruit sauvage. Le jus, ensuite d�shydrat� et lyophilis� pour une consommation plus facile et tout aussi saine, est effectu� par pression � froid.