I saw this interesting thing on the blog of a knitter that interested me (here is her weblog http://iwasknittogetherinmymotherswomb.typepad.com/
So, without further ado, here you go!
7 Things to do before I die:
Go to Edinburgh with Kyle
Read the entire Bible
Finish college
Take dance lessons
Go to a weekend Knitting retreat
Loose weight
Sail around the world
7 things I cannot do:
sports – any kind
resist yarn
my hair like the stylist does (grrrr!)
keep a neat house
speak a foreign language
tolerate intolerance
7 things at attract me to my husband:
His sense of humor
His ability to fix things
His strength
His smile
How he looks in a sweater and jeans
His determination
How he loves me
7 books that I love:
The Bible
The Yarn Harlot
anything by Tami Hoag
The Chronicles of Narnia
The Harry Potter Series
A. A. Milne – Winnie the Pooh
E. B. White – Charlotte’s Web, Stuart Little, The Trumpet of the Swans
Are you there God? It’s me Margaret.
(okay – there were 8 there, I could go on!)
7 things I say:
Can you bring your laundry up?
I love you.
I’ll think about it.
How was your day?
What do you want for dinner?
7 movies I have loved:
Star Wars – every one of them.
The Godfather
Indianna Jones
Schindler’s List
White Christmas
It’s a Beautiful Life
The Divine Secret’s of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood
7 Ladies to tag:
I am sure that these ladies are not aware that I am reading their blogs, but they are interesting and have a beautiful prespective on life. You should check them out.
Have a great day everyone!
Wow what a small little knitter blog world – Lynne from iwasknittogetherinmymotherswomb was my spoilee for the SP7! /nic SP8
Nous rencontrons souvent dans le domaine de la noni La production de NONInoni exempte de pesticides � lieu dans une partie privil�gi�e de l’�le de Tahiti, sur les hauteurs o� le Noni nonise cultive en abondance et donne toute sa force et toute la vigueur d’un fruit sauvage. Le jus, ensuite d�shydrat� et lyophilis� pour une consommation plus facile et tout aussi saine, est effectu� par pression � froid.
Nous rencontrons souvent dans le domaine de la sant� La production de NONIsant� exempte de pesticides � lieu dans une partie privil�gi�e de l’�le de Tahiti, sur les hauteurs o� le Noni sant�se cultive en abondance et donne toute sa force et toute la vigueur d’un fruit sauvage. Le jus, ensuite d�shydrat� et lyophilis� pour une consommation plus facile et tout aussi saine, est effectu� par pression � froid.