It has been quite a year here at Casa del KatKnits. I have come through mostly unscathed and I am reluctant to complain – especially when I see friends who have had much greater trials who utter not a word of discontent. The lesson of their quiet fortitude is one that I need much practice on!
I am however looking forward to the start of a New Year, with great anticipation.
However, I feel that a bit of a recap is in order … sort of a what’s what in the of the Year of the Kat.
It all began with me moving into a new place to live. A nice change. No flooding in the lower level was a vast improvement. The more cost efficient payment was a bonus as well.
I made the transition from being a “day” person to working nights. Not an easy feat for a person who was up without an alarm clock at 5AM for years. This taught me that I can truly do anything, a good lesson to have learned. More on the job later in the post.
I managed to find some time during the year to work on improving my craft – I acquired a loom or two and have found that I love weaving. I also did some spinning that won some awards at the local fiber festival. And, as for knitting – I have discovered the joy of knitting with yarn that I have made. A true joy indeed and this has given me a renewed interest in spinning There is just something wonderfully indulgent about putting socks on that you have spun and knit. It was a year of selfish knitting though, and my knitted wardrobe has increased nicely.
I saw another daughter graduate from high school and sent her off to college in the fall. Two down, one to go. It is bittersweet, but I am proud of her accomplishments! Likewise I am savoring each day of Sam’s senior year, it will all be over too soon.
This year also saw a monumental occasion. The daughter I released for adoption some 27 years ago came for a visit with her mother and god-mother. They spent a week here in West Michigan and out of that visit the beginning bonds of something more than friendship began to grow. The year ends with her and I wishing we were closer in distance for impromptu visits. She has a husband and children that I am aching to get to know. I forge ahead carefully on this pathway, treasuring each moment along the way.
I managed to date a few people with some rather hilarious outcomes and yes, some less than hilarious. My list of who not to date is growing exponentially. For the time being I am passing on any and all dating opportunities. And, I have it now in writing to remind me!
November brought a bit of an upset in that my dad had a massive heart attack while showering, slipped and fell and managed to break the ball off his femur. Way to go Dad! While in route to the hospital he suffered another heart attack and had back to back surgeries just before Thanksgiving. He is now recovering in a sub-acute rehab facility and has cardiac rehab on deck next. Hopefully he will be home sometime in January with a new lease on life! Or at least with catheterized coronary arteries and a new hip!
Shortly after this incident, I managed to find myself yet again a member the ranks of the unemployed. So, the New Year will find me again searching for a job. As you can imagine, I have mixed feelings about this development, however I have faith that this door did not shut without an open window somewhere. So, my plan is to not wallow in self pity and there by miss the bright opportunities before me.
But seriously, I am hoping for a long length of rather dull moments in the New Year, a good long length at that! I think I am long overdue!