I am pretty sure that even if you live under a rock that you probably know about the story of five loaves and two fishes and a meal for five thousand.
Seem impossible?
Yeah, it does to me as well.
And, even with all my culinary skills I am more than certain that I could not feed fifty with those meager ingredients, hell five might even be a stretch!
Likewise, I could in no way shape or form even begin to make a dent in treating five hundred patients like the doctors and nurses of Medecins Sans Frontieres did yesterday. Having the tiniest bit of experience in patient care tells me that fifteen patients would be a plateful and more than I could handle, and that is under pristine conditions. So when I read this story and I allow the magnitude of that task to circle around my brain a bit, I am left in awe and wonder at such an incredible feat.
And, unfortunately, it is a task that is nowhere near its completion.
I heard on the news today, as I am sure you did, that the death toll will probably reach well into the hundreds of thousands and yet somehow, miraculously, they are still finding survivors in the rubble. Wounded and injured people are still in need of food, shelter, and medical help.
Therefore, I will give one more plea to all of you… if you have not yet donated to the relief effort in Haiti, please consider a donation to Medecins Sans Frontieres. Thank you!
already done it. Doubled my monthly donation to $50. It’s not a lot but…
Donated and would again, if there were wiggle room in the budget!
We contributed all that we could. I hope that they get back up on their feet again soon and the people of the world don’t forget about them.