A friend from a multitude of social networks who also is a blogger has put a challenge to all her Gal Pal’s to take up her Bodacious Challenge and broadcast it to all of you, my Gentle Readers.
Therefore, with little encouragement needed, I am joining the cause and will join her in an occasional boldly bodacious post, of which today is the first installment.
Unlike CitizenJaney however, I am not a big fan of women. I think it is sad to see women spending an inordinate amount of time wishing to be someone they are not, hoping they look different than they do, and never being really happy with who they are.
I mean really, girls, it is not becoming behavior in the least.
But I digress, Janey asked us to talk about that body part I love the most and as you know, Gentle Reader, I am far from shy.
Shocking, I know… but there it is.
I have shamelessly posted my autographed décolletage for the entire internet to see, thanks to Abby Franquemont! I even participated in Boobie-Thon to raise both breast cancer awareness and a few dollars for the cause!
Obviously, I like my breasts. However, the truth is that I like my entire body very much, including all of its parts. From the stretch marks that I earned carrying my children to my curvy backside complete with some “junk in the trunk,” as my daughter would say, I really like me.
While it is not the airbrushed perfection that you would see gracing the pages of magazines, it is very real.
Just how I like it…and bodaciously so.
This is exactly why I love you so.
Excellent post!!
More people should be like you. Most days I am quite happy w/me, fat & all. Sometimes I slide, tho.