“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” ~Dr. Seuss |
As many of you know, I lost my job last December and to say it has been challenging to find replacement work is an understatement! I am fortunate, I guess, to have not one, but two part time jobs. Neither of which equal one full time job, but it is more than many have today.
Dr. Seuss’ words of wisdom are particularly needed today…there is no one alive who is ‘me-er’ than me.
Therefore I thought I would take a moment to remind myself of some things worthy of celebration… or at least sharing some distinctively (and positively) me things!
I have always been a wildly independent person; however, I have discovered that there is greater strength in the love and support of a friend when you least expect it. It is nice knowing that someone believes in you even when you cannot believe in yourself.
I have a great sense of humor, but I can honestly say that I can laugh loudest at myself.
I feel compelled to lift people up rather than tear them down. That person cheering in the underdog’s corner… it is more than likely me.
I am an early riser – I wake most mornings before 5AM without the aid of an alarm clock. I have been this way for almost my whole life. Perhaps this is why morning is my favorite time of the day.
I think differently than other people, very differently. Most days, that is a very good thing and as for the days it is not a good thing, here is to them ending just as quickly as they began!
Therefore, as the “unofficial” start of summer begins this weekend with the arrival of Memorial Day, I would ask you to leave me a comment of some things that are incredibly you! Teach me something newer than new about you!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Hugs and TLC to one of the most Bodacious ladies I know. Today, I celebrate you too! xoxox
Hmmm I’m tenacious. Once I make my mind up… that is it. I’m not going to give up on what I’m trying to do. I may backslide but I don’t give up!
Very well stated Kat!
PERFECT! This post is the EXACT reason I am so proud to call you friend!
I really, truly celebrate diversity instead of being afraid of it.