It has been an interesting week here at Casa del KatKnits, one with teasing glimpses at the sun bookended by gloomy, grey, rainy, and cold days.
Monday was one such gloomy and wet day, but waking at my usual hour I set about to brew some coffee and what to my wondering ears did I hear?
A cat was hanging from my back screen door meowing miserably outside in the chilly, grey, dampness of dawn. Her plaintiff cries were not quite enough to overcome the fact that she was doing a remarkably wonderful job of slicing up my screen.
However, she was persistent and when she was still miserably meowing some 2 hours later and with threatening skies, I took pity on her, put her in the garage, and headed off to Job #1.
Upon arrival home from Job #2 some hours later in the day, the rain was showing no signs of letting up at all. I let the little imp in the house for the night and set out the next morning to pick up a bit of cat food for her.
Today, she has been bathed, had her toenails trimmed and it appears she is staying.
She certainly does not look like she is in a hurry to leave, does she?
Now what do you think I should name her? I am looking for suggestions, Gentle Reader!
Here is some perhaps pertinent information about her to assist you in your challenge:
She is milky white, with some black spots. She has a Siamese-ish face, and she follows me about as if she is a dog.
Therefore, we implore you; please leave us a comment here with your name suggestions…
The obvious–Stormy.
What a beautiful cat! How about “Latte”?
you should name her after me, of course, because you miss me so:-)
How about Arwen, the famous beauty from Lord of the Rings?