The knitting continues, and I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. I have gotten to the color work portion of my Lopapeysa. That means that bind off will happen today! Thus far I have a grand total of twenty-seven and a half hours for #bangoutasweater and I am estimating that I have maybe another 5 hours more before that epic bind off happens.
I was shocked and insanely proud to see my sweater on MDK yesterday. A huge thanks to Kay for that supreme honor.
Steeking – I am starting to have grave fears about doing this very scary thing. I mean really, cut your knitting apart? This fear is increasing as the knitting nears the end… Stay tuned to Periscope for the conclusion!
Yesterday, I discovered Occupation on Netflix which is excellent! However, reading a subtitles while knitting color work is probably not the best idea. But, when has “probably not the best idea” ever stopped me?
Super Bowl Sunday will soon be upon us, and that can mean only one thing. Good eats and drinks! I don’t particularly care who wins the game, but there will sure to be a plethora of edibles to go along with the commercials! There are a couple that are stand outs that I have seen thus far, especially if you like Helen Mirren, sheep, and dachshunds!
I also saw this on the news this week… talk about epic, how about banging out 350 sweaters for baby goats! Epic knitting is epic!
And, that is all I have for today – knitting is calling for me to finish #bangoutasweater so I can get back to my regularly scheduled knitting!
Have a good weekend, Gentle Reader. See you back here on Monday!
Wow, you are fast! And have way more knitting time than I do and of that I am quite jealous.
You are rockin’ that sweater! I recognize it from MDK.
I can’t believe how quickly this is going for you! I’m in awe.