Konmari: In my office, the place I have resisted long enough. This is daunting and more than a little scary because, this will involve a realistic look at yarn and fiber – a painful task to be sure. But, I will gird my loins and face the lions today! I am determined to be a conqueror! Hopefully…
Entirely Over: Politics! When did politics become an eternal process? How many debates do we really need? Especially when the same things are said over, and over, and over, and over. And this is not something that is one-sided, both parties are guilty! In my opinion, this is the most undemocratic process ever. It feels more like we have all somehow been banished to some horrid Political Hell!
Knitting: The serious assessment of projects is taking place and today ushers in Yarn Reclamation Day – yes, that is right, Gentle Reader, some projects will be taking a trip to the FROG Pond. Thank you Kym for the tender recommendation. Things not heading to the Frog Pond are this and this which I hope to finish this weekend!
Listening: I am catching up today with Serial and Morning on the Dock, and if I am still not done with the demolition, err, KonMari activities, then Diana Krall Radio on Pandora will be my support.
Anticipating: The new season of House of Cards, which is coming out March 4 and the new season of Happy Valley which will be available mid-March. Garrison Keillor’s last broadcast from the Fitzgerald Theatre tomorrow night.
Enjoying: Periscope’s with fun and useful information – Thank you Ysolda and Sonya for these amazing little mini lessons to break up my day and inspire my creativity!
Planning: A week of sewing with plans of getting some new pillows done for the living room, also, another Dress #2 and pair number one of Pants #1!
That’s it for today, have a good weekend everyone! See you all back here on Monday!
Not finding the links to what you’re keeping. 🙁
Maybe I should just frog (almost) EVERYTHING and start over. (Or is that a Stopover…that’s not getting frogged). A clean slate. Hmm… that could be a plan. 🙂
Happy Weekend!
I need you to proof read my blog posts! Links added, thanks Karen
Thanks for the reminder about House of Cards! I’m also eagerly awaiting the new season of Frank and Claire’s evil doings (aimed at each other this time!) The trailer is delightfully intriguing.