Ten Years ago there were lots of new things popping up all over:

  • Twitter was founded
  • NASA launched New Horizon on its mission to Pluto
  • Dexter and 30 Rock debuted


Ten years ago today I wrote my very first blog post here, and while there has been some “down time” here at the blog, over the course of these past 10 years blogging has improved my writing skills tremendously and it has increased my sphere of internet friends. I am thankful for the first and blessed by the latter – AsKatKnits has definitely had a positive influence in my life. I would like to thank everyone of you who take the time to read my blog, occasionally or every day. Your interaction here means so very much to me.

Apparently, 10 years ago, all the cool kids were jumping on the blogging bandwagon – who knew! If you have not gotten wind of Kristen’s 10 Year Celebration – you should definitely go here and check out the merriment she has planned for the month of April.

But, today is all about reading and knitting. The socks from last week are inching along and I am about half way through The Marco Effect. But to celebrate today, I am having an EPIC bind off (crochet off?) of, what else, a Kristen Kapur design! Yes, mark another FO in my column for the year!

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