In a week that just FLEW by, we find ourselves at the start of the weekend.
This week there was lots of spinning! Some spindle spinning.
And lots of wheel spinning.

And, this really was just a couple of evenings worth of spinning. I had forgotten how quickly spinning can go if you just sit down and do it! Haha!
I am happy to report that I am 1/3 of the way to spinning for my sweater. I hope to have the spinning completed next week. This is a doable goal as we have a weekend of much colder temps and, yes, more rain, so outdoor work will be curtailed.
I have been reading some really good posts on Rachel’s blog and if you want to learn more about fiber, she shares some great information! Plus, Fiber Friday is such a great thing!
Now for some rabbit hole links for your knitting (and spinning) edification:
I don’t know about you, but Roland makes the top of my list this week. For more than one reason…
Melanie Berg brings is Mirkfallon, which would be so lovely in such a wide range of yarns! This one is my favorite…
There was a flurry of new patterns released by Churchmouse Yarns and Teas, and I love this one especially! And there was even a linen skirt that is really so cute!
Lovely Lois Swales was back with Scottish spinning and plying!
Volume 10 of Wool People, especially this and this!
Beata has a fun scarfy thing with her fun sock yarn!
Åsa Tricosa and Wollmeise are the perfect pair!
Laura Aylor does color blocking so well!
I love when a designer gets gauge with semi-aggressive blocking!
Dust Devils that you can wear!
On the Brioche Knitting Bandwagon? This is just gorgeous!
Perhaps the best pattern notes I have ever read! Thanks Kym!
Finally, Arne & Carlos share some art journal magic! (The vintage Singer Sewing Machine is beautiful!)
That’s all I have for today! See you back here on Monday and have a FANTASTIC weekend!
LaLaLaLaLa. I don’t see any links. Not clicking today. Nope. Not gonna.
(Your yarn is just gorgeous.)
Excellent spinning, you are making fast progress! Happy FriYay!
Your yarn is really beautiful and your links are quite clickable! Hope there is a lovely cocktail or two and some more spinning in your wonderful weekend!
oh I’m off to look at CHURCHmouse’ new designs thanks!
What fun – guys sewing outside…this is a great list of links…like Kym, i didn’t see any ;-))…