Happy FriYAY everyone! It has been what feels like a long week – insomnia has been an ugly companion most of the week. But, on the bright side – the lack of sleep has spawned an increase in reading and a good bit of thought organization.
I did some sampling this week (while waiting for the Shetland to rest for a few days before I ply it up) Above are some Gulf Coast locks that I got from Sheepspot and I was really not sure what I wanted to do with it. I flicked the locks spun them – this sample is a fingering weight that when plied springs up with a really lovely, airy loft – even though this is spun worsted. I have not washed the sample yet – but I have a bag of locks in this lovely orange-y red and one of a funky green.
It’s Fiber Friday, (thanks Rachel!!) and this post really got me thinking…I had this bump of fiber from ITW that I was really not enamored of the color, but I wanted to try out what Rachel did here, I split the fiber down several times – keeping the colorway intact, but breaking it into smaller segments with more repeats. I will spin up this orange merino that I got from Beth eons ago (really, eons – way back when she owned The Spinning Loft) and then ply the two together. I am really excited to spin this up to see how it turns out.

Plus, I have the Cormo on the Turkish spindle that I am still spinning. There was not much spinning outside with Sherman this week – I used the time to weed the garden beds that were in need of some attention. But, with those beds all cleaned up, I can resume spindling, guilt free!

There were some really great links this week in the fiber world:
- I found this post by Clara to be a strange coincidence. Very curious…
- You could join the Order of the Garter.
- The perfect linen summer into fall top. You’re welcome.
- I do not read Finnish, but these are just beautiful. Sadly, I don’t read Norwegian either.
- I just love Sunlit Glass.
- The sequel to Waiting for the Rain is incredibly lovely.
- Short-rows are so smart – and artistic.
- Is this your summer of socks? Here is the perfect pair!

I also made a tiny bit of progress on clue two of Kirsten Kapur’s Mystery Shawl, which I plan to finish up this weekend. I have picked up button band stitches on Indigo Cones and will be heading out to do some Pergola Knitting momentarily! That is all I have today, have a great weekend and I will see you back here on Monday!
Love, love, love the Big Wave tank! LOVE!!! Now to find a suitable yarn for less money than what is suggested.
Also, love Sunlit Glass. I ordered my kit already. 🙂
Still working (monogamously!!! dang it) on my Girasole.
Have a great weekend!!!
Ah, all the colors in your post are really beautiful and make me happy (even though I don’t spin). I’m now going to resist the Big Wave tank myself and focus on some of my AKK KAL projects. A very wonderful weekend to you!
I think those two fibers will look great blended together. I’m loving your mystery shawl, too!
I agree with Bonny: your photos today just make me happy!
Have a great weekend!
Hooray for colorful Fridays! Thank you. Love the Big Wave…but I need to finish other tanks started and not completed…but I may cave. Also thinking of both rain shawls. They are gorgeous! Have a wonderful weekend.
I’m looking forward to getting back to my TTL shawl this weekend. My wheel and spindles sit gathering dust. ohwell…
Enjoying spinning “vicariously” with you and that brite orange will look great with the other yarn. Lots of interesting choices here; hard to
“just pick one.”
Spin and knit on!
your mystery shawl is less mysterious to me 🙂 love the colors you using!!
If I ever get my knitting mojo back, I’m planning to cast on for the Big Wave tank (have the yarn in my stash and everything). I finished clue #1 on my mystery shawl, but haven’t started clue #2 quite yet (as my head was not in the lace-mood this weekend). I love to watch what you spin . . .