It was a full weekend here. Very full.
There was a lovely ushering in of the weekend on Friday, including the new edition to the Happiness Hour – the “Pig Out” Pig plate.
But, the best part of the weekend was the excitement and wonder of seeing Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine on Saturday when they made a campaign stop in Pittsburgh. While it was a LONG day. We got down to the Convention Center just before noon on Saturday and waited in line for about 2 hours before the doors opened so we could stand in another line. In all we waited, standing, for about 6 hours along with about 5000 others (and almost 2000 outside who did not get in). Wall to wall people and everyone was pleasant, polite, and cheerful. The.Entire.Time. It was nice seeing so many young people there, and even nicer to hear some of these young people speak! There was a nice “pre-game” show for Hillary – I got to hear some of the local politicians. And, Mark Cuban was there to announce his support for Hillary – he got the honor of introducing her to us.
It was so incredible to see her, and to be lucky enough to be about 15′ away from the podium so we could get some great photos.
It was a long day, but hearing her speak was worth every single minute of waiting.
Sunday was a bit quieter, I taught a friend how to knit a heel flap and gusset on her first pair of socks! (Thanks, Carole for your fantastic pattern which makes it so simple to teach! I just needed to do a bit of math to adjust to the number of stitches she cast on.) I hope a new sock knitter has been born. She is not a very confident knitter, and I am not quite sure how to foster this in her. She has knit a few top down sweaters (I know… how can she have no confidence??) but she struggles with many aspects of knitting. Anyway, I am hoping that she will gain some confidence in this project.
And, before I knew it, Sunday was over and with it the month of July. I am left wanting to put the brakes on summer and savor the days that seem to be racing by!
How was your weekend?
Oh how absolutely EXCITING!!!
She actually came to Paducah (!!!)—itty bitty Paducah—during the campaign and I WAS OUT OF TOWN!~ I’m still miserable about that. So glad you were able to share in the excitement of the day.
The weekends go so quickly, especially when they’re filled from one end to the other. How exciting to see Hilary and be in on Herstory!!
Your famous!! I would love to hear her speak but I hate people and crowds over all (people in massive quantities that is). I bet it was awesome!
What a great weekend! Hillary DEFINITELY topped the excitement of the pig platter (which is very cool– just overshadowed). I had the great fortune of hearing Hillary speak WAY BACK when she was still First Lady — at a conference in Washington DC. She is just wonderful. Lucky you — to be able to participate in her momentous run!
So very cool!
Oh wow, that sounds like a great weekend! She was of course here last week, but if you weren’t a delegate, you couldn’t get near the convention. And the rally on Friday morning had 150 people in line by 1 a.m.!
Very, very cool. Glad you had such a great weekend!
Love all the photos of the Clintons! I’m so glad you got to see Hillary speak and it sounds like it was a great gathering of like-minded individuals. You know I love that pig plate!
Nothing I did topped yours! What a great treat! Seeing Hillary. ( I’m bummed that in all the 8 years of having POTUS 44 right here in WDC, I’ve only seen him “up close & personal” once and I was in the rafters at Constitution Hall – couldn’t even get a decent photo…my sister, on the other hand, got to hug him! I guess i could hug her and then have a vicarious experience…)
Love your new “pig platter!”