Since we cannot change reality, let us change the eyes which see reality. Nikos Kazantzakis
The basket holding the knitting does not seem to be shrinking in volume and reality tells me that I am unlikely to finish my list before the Labor Day weekend is over.
However, I have made a small dent in the things I wanted to get done! And, that feels really good!
Some of the things that remain are there for a reason…
- Pushkinia socks – I am pretty sure that I knit these with needle sizes other than what the pattern called for, but because I am not a genius, I did not write down what I used. Yeah, how smart is that?? Anyways, I have cast on, however the new sock gauge was WAY SMALLER than its mate. So, I need to do some swatching to see if I can get close, and if not – I will frog sock one and start over…This has placed these socks firmly in the UGH column and sadly, off the list for completion this summer.
- Jen Lucas MKAL #1 – what on earth was I thinking knitting this will Dream in Color Jilly…I love the yarn, but it’s lace weight! However, it is staying on the list for completion this summer.
- Jen Lucas MKAL #2 – I am playing yarn chicken with this one, I have a second skein, but I would rather not use it. However, letting it mature in my knitting bag will cause the yarn to mature and be longer (???) Yeah, that’s my story and I am sticking to it! Hahaha
- Nahant – Has been languishing because it is no longer a portable knit (it is over 60 inches long now) and I have an error about 5 rows back that I need to take the time to fix…However, I do not want to rip back 5 rows. It is in timeout right now, but not yet to the UGH column.
- Pincha – sadly was displaced by other knitting and spinning. For me this is a knit that, in order to avoid mistakes, requires me to knit one full feather at a sitting – which is about an hour of time. The weather has been far too lovely to sit watching television, but this is staying on the list because these are the perfect autumn colors!
- Triticum – this is half a front and two sleeves away from seaming and completion…it is staying on the list even though I know it will be a stretch to get it done before Labor Day.
This Summer Knit Along has been very good in for me as it has kept me focused and provided a road map to get things done, even if I have had a few detours along the way!
How are you doing?
STILL working on the dang edging on Miss Audrey Grace’s baby blanket. I wanted it done by June 24th. Her due date was 8/2/16, however, she arrived on July 21st!!! 😀 Fortunately for everyone, she will not need a wool blanket right away. It has been in the high 80ºs/low 90ºs so there’s that… But that edging…I keep knitting, and there still is edging to finish!!! I worked on it for 2 whole days while she was in labor and STILL!!! I did run out of yarn at the hospital, so I started a new pair of RPM socks from, and the first sock is about 1/2 done. Sheesh!!!!
My eye is on the prize of finishing TTLM by Labor Day. It will take a concerted push to make it happen! Sock toe #1 will be complete, but sock toe #2 may need to come in in the stretch.
Your list is ambitious and anything on the list that ends up in the finish column will be a win!
I’ve neglected my knitting woefully this summer. There’s just too much else to do this time of year!
Thanks for the update and reminder: I might actually be able to finish my cardigan by Labor Day. IF . . . I pick it up and start knitting. 🙂 (And . . . therein lies the problem.) Happy weekend!
I continue to plug, er ah, knit away on my poncho! I am at 37.5 inches…was sidelined by a minor problem I made and finally got assistance Thursday in sorting it out…so, I’m back on a roll. In 13 inches, give or take a stitch or so , I move onto step two of the poncho…the end may be in sight for me to actually don it when we have cooler – much- weather. Thanks again for the incentive to pick up the needles again. To be continued…
all I know is that I want to cast on a few more projects just so i could fill a basket like you do 🙂