I am scraping the bottom of my Summer Knitting basket and have finally pulled out Triticum to finish it up. I have begun the arm decreases on the right front, so I should have this piece done soon and then just two sleeves stand between me and a new sweater! I think it is a stretch to think I will get this done by Labor Day, but who knows, perhaps some Slow TV on Netflix will help me get it done!
I have been listening to The Secrets of Mary Bowser while I work in the mornings and I am really enjoying it. I am not quite halfway through it but I hope to have it done this week. Up next is LaRose, which I am very eager to get to! Also, I am still not done with Knitlandia…

I have been gathering together my knits to get them washed, and while I am doing this I am pondering their future – do they stay or do they go? Knit Kon-Mari is coming soon!
As always, joining with Ginny and her Yarn Along today!
a washing day! what fun and it’s going to smell all wet and woolly in a good kind of way. I am going to knit as soon as I post this comment, I’ve been on the internet long enough this morning 🙂
can’t wait to hear how the kon-marie goes. I was rummaging through the ‘stash’ this morning and came across a sweater that I started to unravel. I can’t even finish that when I’ve made the commitment to purge!!! (big sigh). inspire me, OK?
Oh kon-marie…a blessing and a curse – lol. Your pile to wash looks beautiful!
Mentally preparing for the Knitting Kon-Mari (which is when, btw?) I might just win the *prize* for having the oldest UFOs in my rather puny stash…tbc!
Just rec’d Knitlandia so I’m looking forward to reading it…
Slowly I am working on my TTLM (clue 5!) and listening to a great book, too. I want to join the Washalong, but I’m not sure I have time to wash and block as many of my shawls as I’d like. Time, oh time, why are you so fleeting?
What a lovely colorway — it’s going to be a beautiful sweater.
Congratulations on all your summer knitting FOs! I’m still plugging away on mine, but was forced to cast on another project today (a simple baby washcloth) since my other UFOs aren’t good waiting room knitting. That Triticum yarn and colorway is stunning!
Oh boy, that pile of knitting is very pretty! A fellow villager asked me the other day if I get around to wearing all my knitted items in a season. Great question! I managed to give away three shawls (just off the needles) over the past year and I have a forth ready to be parcelled off to New Zealand in November.
It’s good to purge. Best of luck and looking forward to reading how it goes.
Love the new shawl, great colour!
Sorry meant cardigan, I have shawls on the brain. I love the collar!
Maybe I need a knitting basket so that I, too, can reach the bottom of it! Hahahaha! I have been knitting more this week than I have in ages, at least.
Maybe I need a knitting basket so that I can scrape the bottom of it! I have been knitting more this week than I have in ages, at least. Yours all looks so beautiful.