slog /släɡ/ verb 1. work hard over a period of time. synonyms: grind, slave, plod, toil
For me, Sleeve Island is the slog of sweater knitting. The slowest part of the entire process (although maybe not for this sweater – it all has been slow going!!)
However, in working the K1P1 shawl collar on my modified pullover I may have discovered the other slog of knitting. These rows are LONG!

Conversation from last night:
Steve: When will that be done?
Me: I think I need 15 more rows…
Steve: How long will that take?
There’s a confidence booster for you! Haha! Just so it is written down somewhere, my goal is to have this DONE before we leave on vacation.
Perhaps, Inspector Gamache can help!
Teaming up with Ginny and the Yarn Along today where you can find plenty of production on the knitting and reading front!
What is your knitting slog?
If it’s any consolation on your slog, I think you’re knitting with two of the most beautiful yarns I’ve seen!
Knit like the wind!!
I feel like everything I knit lately is a slog! hahaha! I wish you like in meeting your goal of finishing before vacation.
Inspector Gamache can ALWAYS help! 🙂 (And that’s why I knit sleeves first, whenever possible.)
Well, don’t believe I’ve yet to finish an adult sweater – lol. I will though…eventually. Slog is a wonderful word. And, Louise Penny is an excellent author — love all her Inspector Gamache books. Joining Vicki in saying: Knit Like The Wind!!!
If anyone can be good company it would be Gamache!! Good luck!
Inspector Gamache is wonderful company for all the knitting! I don’t mind sleeves, but ribbing? I’m with ya (and I feel even more so about seed stitch)
I agree with bonny in that you are knitting with some awesome yarns!! I made a sweater once that was miles of stockinette and thought I’d never see the end of it. I watched all the HP movies and powered through it! (not all in one day, over a week or so). That helped immensely!
“Sleeve Island is the slog of sweater knitting” – I love the way you put that, and it’s so true!