It seems that this is going around since the end of 10 on Tuesdays.
I usually plan the previous week what I will post the following week. So, this is what happens when you don’t plan.
I have a case of the Tuesday’s.
However, I have a few tricks up my sleeve and I have not revisited my New Year’s Resolution list so I think it is time for an update.
You can find my original post here and the updates here and here.
Overall I think my resolutions are making a difference in my life.
I know, right?
I am feeling so invigorated by weighing less and moving more! So far I have lost over 30 pounds and I am now very conscious of what I eat and how it is made. Not in a fanatic way, but rather in a more enlightened and realistic way. I am also moving more – and that is something HUGE for me. I am not a lover of exercise, but I am walking and riding the exercise bike. I have not been doing much yoga and I need to change that pattern because the yoga is not only good for my body, it is good for my mind.
Moving the stitching supplies near my desk has not been a success. I am a little disappointed in myself – but only a little. I am still making plenty in my daily life. Do I want to stitch? Yes! So, I need to plan on how that will fit in my life and I need to be realistic that it won’t magically happen this year. I don’t think I can squeeze anything more in (especially if I want to get some things finished for the holidays). Look for this to be revisited in a new and more successful way in 2017.
KonMari is a very good thing, and I think the best thing about it is how it is a continual process. Things that I originally thought I could NEVER get rid of are being revisited. Perhaps, by the end of next year I will be a graduate of the Konmari program! Ha!
Now, to the last and most difficult thing on my resolution list – Gratitude. This continues to be a constant struggle in my life. Am I just an ungrateful person? If I am being completely honest with myself; yes, sometimes… More specifically, I think that it feels awkward to find gratitude in small everyday things. It is not that gratitude is not on my minds – it is part of my daily meditations. Nothing I am currently doing is “sticking” so when I saw this mentioned on Karen’s blog I thought this might be something that could help get me on the path. It has occurred to me that gratitude might not be a solo journey. And, I am kicking this off with Gratitude Week and November will be a month I am immersing myself in the process of gratitude (and since I am going to try to participate in NaBloPoMo again, I will be sure to let you know how it is going!)
I have one final surprising thing to share with you, and it involves a small giveaway as well!
I have long loved Kay and Ann of Mason Dixon fame! I have read their blog for years and I am so thrilled with their new venture! When they announced Stripes some months ago I, of course, ordered one! Now enter that stellar organization – the US Postal Service…suffice it to say that my mail carrier thinks that mail delivery is a contact sport – things often arrive looking as if they were in a soccer game and got kicked around a bit. Thus, arrived my precious little copy of Stripes – battered and bruised. I did not want or ask for a new copy of Stripes. I just wanted to let Ann and Kay know that perhaps a padded mailer was a good idea (especially knowing my mail carrier) and in the future I would be willing to pay more for shipping with one! Imagine my surprise when a new copy arrived last week, including a hand-written note from Ann that might have brought a tear or two to my eye, and I want to pay it forward! If you would like that copy of MDK’s Field Guide No. 1 – Stripes, please leave a comment below and I will announce a winner next Tuesday and send it off to the winner (in a padded mailer! lol)
Thank you, Ann and Kay, I am so grateful to you both for a million and one reasons!
Yay for you losing weight and moving more. It’s not always easy, I know! I need to move more (sitting at a desk M-F doesn’t help), but I am back to regular yoga classes once a week (need to incorporate that into a home practice as well). I’ve done a little KonMari…more is needed, but at least a start has happened! And I love the idea of a Gratitude Week…I’ve signed up and hopefully will continue for longer than a week. The Stripes book looks wonderful – thanks for the opportunity.
Oh, that’s so kind of Ann and Kay (and you!) I’ve had my eye on the Stripes field guide since it came out!
I think you’ve written a stellar post and definitely conquered the Tuesdays. Congratulations on your weight loss (a real accomplishment), and I thank you for the reminder that KonMari (and weight loss, and gratitude, and so much more) are all ongoing and continual. I’m not sure about NaBloPoMo this year, but can use a gratitude push, so thanks to you and Karen for that!
Ah see, a case of the Tuesday’s is a great descriptor. I am joining Gratitude Week and Just Five Things – have done them before and know that they are good things to carry me into the season ahead.
I am grateful to you for this thoughtful, reflective , celebratory and filled -with – gratitude post! Congrats on all your progress. You go girl! I find I miss 10/Tues too…even tho’ I didn’t always participate… trying to come up with a reasonable substitute…you’ve given me some ideas.
Walk on!
Great post full of many things that would benefit all of us. I need to move more and keep up the pace with my gleaning. Gratitude is so very important and I try to write a little something at the end of each day. I love Ann and Kay’s little book and I want to knit everything in it!
I signed up for Gratitude Week too – it never hurts to make yourself consciously think about the good things in your life.
How nice that they replaced your book! Sometimes the little things that show generosity of spirit can really blow you away.
I still struggle with moving more but it’s a marathon not a sprint and I remind myself of that daily. All too often that is followed by an excuse to not move but I’m a flawed person, what can I say? lol. Good for you for your other resolutions. As for gratitude, do you think you’re maybe overthinking it? You come across as incredibly wise and calm and I find it hard to believe that you aren’t also incredibly grateful. I’ve been meaning to buy that book, maybe I will win it instead!
I’ve been glad for a built in blog topic on Tuesdays (and soon Thursdays as well!) – and grateful y’all don’t seem to mind a regular dose of little boy fun. I think you’re having a wonderful year – I’m looking forward to Gratitude week and I’d love more yoga in my life, too.
Congratulations to you for your commitment to moving more and eating health-fully! Lifestyle changes are so hard to manage — you have conquered much!!! XOXO
losing weight is always great but coupled with exercise is a double Grreat. good for you!!
my big resolution this year is battling the bulge in my stash. I have been working out with my fiber and feeding it a healthy diet adding fiber only when it come with a plan to cast on immediately and working the fiber that is already there into the beautiful projects they were always meant to be. I am finding stripes to be an excelliant workout for my bulge and would love to win a book devoted to stripes.
being grateful is a work in progress for me, but I find little lists daily help me immensely. congrats on the weight loss, what an accomplishment. I am not an exerciser either but force myself to walk and enjoy it. I had to quit yoga for now because of back issues. I tried a bit today and so far it was better. Baby steps 🙂 🙂
what a lovely post….and a very gracious gesture on the part of Ann—-and you. (although, to be quite honest, this kind of generous spirit is what I sort of have come to expect from fiber people….I love living in my Pollyanna world with all these wonderful thoughtful folks!!!)
Your post has me reflecting on some my goals for this. Gratitude plays a big role in my 2016. I was so happy to meet Kay and Ann At Rhinebeck this year. They are so sweet!
Thank you for your generosity! I agree with your thoughts on gratitude-I struggle with envy and need to remind myself to appreciate the many blessings I have. Congratulations on your healthier lifestyle-another daily struggle in my life but I am making slow progress!
Such an uplifting post, thank you. Like you, I have a hard time with expressing gratitude, especially when the days have untoward events and difficulties (my body is getting on in years but my brain wants to be 20 years younger)! Forward, all us knitters!
I also received the “Stripes” from MDK and love it, so don’t need another one (on occasion my mail carrier also has carrying issues).