I, like these determined little leaves, am holding on to November for dear life!
December is looming large and I am not ready for all the Christmas things quite yet!
Add to that the feeling that this year has just gone by far too quickly and I am very happy to revel in the last few days of November.
The weekend was quiet, but very good. There was lots of eating, some knitting, some movie watching with Steve, and a bit of heartbreaking football (this was not the quiet portion of the weekend by any means!) and even a walk or two for good measure.
Now, I am off to get outdoors and take a nice long, head-clearing walk! How was your weekend?
To be honest my weeked was not excellent. We had out of town company since Thursday so the down time we usually get after hosting the big dinner was not there. But now my house is quiet and empty and clean now and that baby is going to have to come out in the next day weather it wants to or not so it will be a great week!
And can you believe we have almost made it to the end of blogging every day?
If I don’t change the calendar page does that mean we can stay in November? There is so much I haven’t done and I could really use another week before beginning December. And then comes the depth of winter in January and February, but I think I’ll just try to enjoy December, ready or not.
That walk sounds like just the thing for this Monday morning. Too bad I’m at work!
Flying by…
Walking is my favorite way of finding myself. Where did this year go?
My weekend was mixed — as big family gatherings so often are. However, I was at least with both my kids, and that is the most important thing.
I’m so not ready for December. but really, I think it’s that I’m so not ready for Christmas … (but that’s a topic for another day, right?!)
Walking is such a great way to ground yourself!
my weekend was super fab and I even decorated the house in less than 48 hours. Gone are those days when I could do it in a day!
A walk outside always helps to change my perspective…even just staring out the window has pretty positive effects. I spent a quiet day Sunday stitching and Sat, a bunch of odds n ends things. Just taking it slow, moment by moment…