This week I hit the good reads bonanza – I finished Michael Chabon’s Moonglow and started two excellent books – in my ears is Nathan Hill’s The Nix (which I am LOVING!!) and the other excellent book I started this week is Donna Tartt’s The Secret History, which I am reading via Overdrive on my iPad.
So much good reading! So.much!
I enjoyed Moonglow – I laughed, I cried, and really loved this journey through the memories of a grandparent. I highly recommend this book and gave it 4 stars.
Knitting has also been on the very good level – post-holiday crunch knitting is all completed and I have got back to Rock the Lobster to get this finished. Sleeve one was completed on Monday and yesterday I managed to get a good start on sleeve two. It is at the perfect point right now, just mindless knitting – no counting yet, no remembering to decrease.
I also finished swatching for an upcoming project and I really love how this process can take me in an entirely different direction than was the original plan. I think this is where I have learned how to “make a swatch lie to me” to “get gauge” to knit a project – I have more than once done this and the end result was a sweater that did not fill well and I really did not like very much. I have discovered that if you look at swatching in a different way, you have better success. What gauge makes the best fabric? That was the “aha” moment for me – getting a fabric I like. I will be starting a new sweater as soon as I have Rock the Lobster done and I am excited about that which is just the perfect incentive to finish this up! Can I also say that I am in love with this yarn – Sheepspot CVM which will be coming soon. It is light and airy in feel, yet it will be a hard-wearing fabric. I have been giving these swatches some good abrasion and they are holding up well, are not stretching out, and have good structure without being heavy – and NO PILLING!! I know, I am seriously in love with this yarn!
I would have picked up Rob Roy last night, but the lure of The Secret History won over knitting (yes, it is that good!) The hat has been in a bit of a time out because of pattern confusion, however, I only have one pattern repeat to complete and although Mary shared there was more confusion on the crown decreases, she graciously shared her pattern notes here if you are knitting along. This hat is for Steve and I would like to get it done before we get more cold weather so I hope to finish this up today.
That is all I have for today and, as always, I am joining Ginny’s Yarn Along where you will find plenty of knitting and reading inspiration!
You’re so right – there’s always lots of inspiration from a Wednesday Yanr Along.
The hat looks like it’s going to be a very cosy one.
Beautiful fair isle in that first photo!
This is an exciting post! You are reading two of my favorite books, so I’m wondering how you have any time for knitting, especially that complicated and confusing hat! I wish Donna Tartt wrote more, but what she has written is so good. It took Nathan Hill over ten years to write The Nix, so I desperately hope he’s working hard on his second book. Enjoy all the excellent reading and knitting!
I loved The Nix! Donna Tartt is such a conundrum for me. I’ve read all her books, and very much appreciate their greatness. That said … I never like her characters all that much. I know I’m just kind on the outside here, because most people adore her books. Me? I appreciate them. I just don’t like them. (Secret History is my favorite Donna Tartt — and it has one of my favorite book lines of all time, one that Tom and I repeat to each fairly frequently. I will share it with you after you’ve read the book.)
I just got burned by a swatch. I did everything right: knit it, blocked it, measured it. Perfect gauge! THEN – I had to switch needles because by 16″ circular wasn’t going to be long enough. I went from metal to wood needles and that ruined everything. Had to completely start over. Maddening! But, I guess I learned from my mistake and, hopefully, I’ll never do that again.
I have been meaning to read The Secret History since it came out. I’ve heard how good it is. I’ve heard mixed things about The Nix, but I love the idea of it.
I love that hat but after reading about the confusing pattern I think I’m glad I passed on knitting it. I’m glad you are enjoying The Secret History!
The Nix was great and I can’t wait to get into Moonglow. I have a love/hate relationship with Tartt. I enjoy her writing but not always the story.
So many choices, so little time, skills, etc…I will add the titles to my list of fiction to read, someday/maybe…and I appreciated the illumination re:swatches…your pieces are all very good-looking and I look fwd to seeing them in their finished states. Hope you get Steve’s hat done…or better yet, we have no more cold weather. Ha!
Your comments about swatching are great! And thanks for adding to my reading pile ????
I’m glad to hear your good review of Moonglow. My father is reading it now, and I was planning on stealing his copy once he finishes.
I think you’re spot on with your thoughts on swatching. It’s all about changing the view of it from a necessary evil to a chance to get to know your yarn better.
I’m looking forward to Moonglow … and learning more about that yarn. Something that knits up beautifully and doesn’t pill sounds like a sweater knitter’s dream.
well you know I love that sweater….a lot. you have some lovely knits on the needles. Once my shawls are finished I’m excited to start something new and probably for me.