They say the first thing to go is your mind… and apparently, mine is well on its way.
Truth #1:
Yesterday, I confessed to being 57. However, as Steve so kindly reminded me yesterday:
Okay but, really – how the hell do you forget your own age. Well, because I do not have any issues admitting when I make mistakes – it is true, I am only 56. And, I really feel so much younger today because of it! LOL
Truth #2:
After a week of temperatures in the 50’s and 60’s – winter has decided to return…albeit gently which is greatly appreciated.
Truth #3:
My chives are very confused as to what season it is! (as are all the singing birds!)

This was taken this morning…
Truth #4:
I am so insanely glad that it is Friday – it seems like this has been the longest week ever – the cocktail hour cannot get here fast enough! I am thinking Margarita’s today to toast President Peña Nieto – that is if I can convince Steve to make them!
Truth #5:
Next week clue numero uno of Kirsten Kapur’s Sock MKAL arrives (on Wednesday, in case you still want to join in!!) My yarn is ready and I am eager to begin. Yarn choice? Deep stash diving (see above!) I am not sure who the brown yarn is from, but the lovely golden-yellow is some very vintage Kim Kaslow aka The Woolen Rabbit sock yarn in the Tupelo Honey colorway. Now, are you wondering how I can remember that tidbit but not my age – I am giving you some real insight into what is important in my life – yarn is obviously taking up LOTS of brain space! Haha!
Truth #6:
The LINKS are back! The LINKS! The LINKS!
- Starting off with these AWESOME Peace de Resistance Mittens by Bristol Ivy – I LOVE THEM!!!
- Ravelry has given birth to a litter of kitty-esque accessories, but this brioche Happy Kitty Hat is the best.
- And, as long as we are talking brioche – this is just gorgeous!
- Margit in the Wind – if your urge to do some stranded knitting is overwhelming you!
- More stranded knitting can be found here and here!
- Sweater weather is (or should be if you live in the Northern Hemisphere) and Lori Versaci’s The Reach is just awesome!
- Colorize is something we could all use an extra helping of about now!
- Susan B. Anderson’s wait is over – these look so warm!
- Finally – some love for the little ones – literally! Valentine’s Day is right around the corner!
That is all I have for this week – have a truth-filled weekend and I will see you back here on Monday!
Haha!! I’ve had to stop and do the math ever since I turned 18.
OMG I should’ve known your age and could’ve reminded you. Which means I don’t know my own age unless I do the math. It must me the yarn fumes, or something like that. I’m so glad you’re feeling younger, because that means I’m younger too. 😉
Margaritas sound lovely. I might even have some pre-mixed ones in my freezer (because that’s how I roll).
I have not selected my yarn yet for the Mystery Knit, but there should be some stash diving this evening and we’ll see what happens…
Happy Friyay!!!
I love it! I’ll be 60 this year, and am glad that at least it’s a number I think I’ll be able to remember. I’m anxiously looking forward joining a friend for Coronas this afternoon, and not even too concerned that this will be my second Friday of day drinking. Hooray for the links; I think Colorize could lift me out of the doldrums!
I don’t think forgetting your age is an age thing. I had to stop and calculate my age once when I was in my early 20s!
I think you and I have very similar tastes in knitwear. I was just drooling over that Carol Sunday stole and wondering if I have the brioche chops to knit it. I think I may need a little more practice with something simpler first.
I always forget my age . . . and usually just round up to the nearest “big” number. Instead of 57, I’m currently almost-60. (It helps, then, when I actually turn 60 . . . because I’ll have felt like I AM 60 for, oh 5 years or so!) Thanks for the links. I really need them today (as I sit with a Kleenex pasted to my dripping nose).
I had hoped to finish my current sock (there is still hope) in order to cast on for TTLs Mystery on time. In any case, I have yarn and I have a plan to join in! Although, I have no hope of keeping up, it will still be fun!
Born in 1950 makes it very easy to calculate age. Married in 1980 makes it easy to remember how many years. Now that I’m older I realize (maybe) there was method to my madness. 🙂
PS – I have daffodils coming up in my garden . . .
The resistance mittens are awesome and I need to finish up my other stuff so that I can start those! Hooray for Fri-Yay!
Great links! And that cartoon…says it all! Have a great weekend!
How wonderful to have gained a whole year – I’d love to wake up tomorrow and find out that I was a year younger! (I can’t ever remember how old I am either – I do remember that I was born in 1962 and I have to do the math to figure out my age – EVERY single time!) I love your yarn for the TTL Mystery Sock – I’ll be watching the spoiler thread to participate vicariously. Thought you might’ve been tempted to join the MDK Bang out a Hadley? I just might be… Glad you got Steve to make the margaritas – happy weekend!
I used to have a teacher who would give her age as a year or two older. Her assistant was the same age and was always reminding her!
We have had some sunshine the last few days – great for the spirit. Maybe jalapeño pizza and margeritas will show up in our house tonight.
“Age is just a number,” some wise person said…looks like you have a grand weekend in store and lotsa of knitting projects to keep count of…no wonder you lost track of how old/young you are!
Enjoy the week-ending January 2017.
I did that when I turned 47 two years in a row. Crazy but true!! Glad you get to keep a number for another year 🙂
I’ve given up being embarrassed about that….have to do the math every year, except this one…..I’m 67 and graduated in ’67. When my birthday rolls around in June, I’ll be confused again. And the anniversary-thing!!! I never get that right…..just a long, long time sums it up. HMMMMMM. Since I just dumped 35 pairs of handknit socks for the Syrian refugee charity (Hats and More for War Torn Syria)….I might have to join that sock knitalong!! 🙂