While I am not witty like Emily Dickinson, I would like to give you a very warm welcome!
I am not certain if you are entering like a lamb or a lion – and really, how many days does one have to determine these animal like qualities? Yesterday it was warm, blustery, and rainy – today you mock us with pellets of snow. Do we get a few days to determine if you are a gentle lamb or a roaring lion?
Really, inquiring minds want to know!
However, you usher in a busy month:
There is March Madness, and
Springing ahead clocks…
Saint Patrick’s Day,
a doctors appointment(!!)
and who can forget the first day of spring!
There is even a wedding, which quite frankly has me a little worried. A size too small dress and a stagnating scale are stressing me out, let me tell you!
Oh… and there are new exercise videos courtesy of Amazon Prime, these are hopefully going to alleviate my stress and that damned stagnating scale!
Happy March Everyone – what is on your plate for this month!
March may announce herself with snow and cold, but from there she can only get better, warmer, bluer! March will start moving your way!
I was a little bitter about having to pull out my winter coat again this morning, but at least it was dry (I got rather soaked yesterday)! And there is sunshine today, in spite of the cold; I find it hard to be unhappy if the sun is out.
It’s going to be busy month for me. March is always hectic for special ed teachers and this year will be no exception. I also have a wedding coming up, which involves a whirlwind trip to Virginia. And there is the Madison Knitting Guild Knit In to look forward to!
Amazon Prime exercise videos? Tell me more. And yay for March!
We are also having see saw weather…80s y’day; mid – hi 40s today with steady winds, making it feel like we’re in the 20s…who knows how it will all turn out…tbc! And btw: you’ll manage that wedding outfit or come up with something better…you’re resourceful!
And Pi Day (which you might not want to remember due to the scale…but I’m going to forget about the scale for that day). We had lion-like behavior last night….
I’m hopeful after reading all the good things you’ve listed for March! Hooray for a doctor’s appt., spring, and Prime exercise videos. I will definitely be checking those out, and wishing you well with wedding attire.
March Madness! Always fun. And you’ll find a way to get into that dress I’m certain!
Hooray for Spring!!
I hope your dr appt goes well and it is all about preventative care and nothing to do with illness 🙂 March is pretty awesome.
You get ALL THE GOLD STARS for scheduling that doctor appointment!!!! XO
Happy March! March Madness, warmer temperatures, longer days and a doctor’s appointment seem like wonderful things to celebrate! (thank you for the reminder that I need to schedule my physical, too!)