Without leaps of imagination or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning. Gloria Steinem
I really enjoyed my July stitching, but again I am feeling that the stitching is not “done”, but maybe that is the way of summer months. They are never quite done as they move on to the next. Things are still growing and changing and so, perhaps an unfinished feel to stitching is appropriate.
And now a new month lays before me and the excitement I feel as I look at the fabric that will be transformed over the days of August is palpable. The blues of summer will hopefully be captured in my stitching!
What a treat to start a new month and see the results of your July stitching! I think every month is a wonderful display of your creativity, and I truly love seeing all of them!
Not sure my last comment went through. I love watching the stitching and I think I will pursue it further in the future. What fabric are you using? What needles/
I think it’s only natural to feel that these stitched pieces aren’t done because you’re not going into them with any sort of plan — the stitching happens spontaneously. When you get to the end of the year and see all 12 pieces, they may feel more finished — or perhaps you’ll be inspired to add to them!
Thank you for showing your daily stitching! I’ve missed seeing it on Instagram. This one looks lighter and summery! Love it!
Oh, I really love this one!!
Just beautiful. You’ve really got an eye for this!
I think these are wonderful and clearly a creative outlet for you that is giving you a beautiful chance to shine.
I know I say this every month, but for sure this time – July is my favorite! I love the spiral and how it tracks the progress of the month. and oooohhhhh, August is going to be cool! do tell – what’s the skeined thread?
Such intricate stitching–it’s simply marvelous!
I’m just in love with your stitching. You are so free and free-wheeling. I always draw everything out first. I’d love to try your way.
Deep Sighhhh! So wonderful. I too am looking forward to August’s delights and soon, the entire year! TBC…
I love it! Just beautiful, Kat. Sometimes you just need a little perspective . . . to really enjoy the beauty. Y’know? XO