In my thinking about what to post today, I have been spending some time thinking about impossible that it is end of August. This is especially odd since the days since the inauguration each seem like they are a century long.
So, is time flying? Or dragging inexorably slowly by?
It seems unreal that just over a one year ago Steve and I went to see HRC speak when she came to Pittsburgh. It seems like yesterday, but not. Know what I mean?
I do have something that I am eagerly awaiting. And, hearing teasers over the past couple of days really makes me more eager to listen to HRC read to me.
I’ve been struggling with the same perspective on time. On the one hand, the year seems to be flying by. On the other, it seems like every day is a slog, particularly when they are days when it seems like our human rights are being threatened, when people are being killed by homegrown terrorists, and when I’m not sure if it will be safe for me to be in public. It’s been an exhausting year, that’s for sure. But I am definitely looking forward to HRC’s book!
My grandmother used to tell me that days drag but years fly by, and it certainly feels that way with politics. But like you, I’m anxious to hear What (the hell) Happened. I placed a pre-release hold in Overdrive as soon as I heard about it, and know what I’m going to be listening to on Sept. 12th!
I’m debating: do I want to read or listen…or both? I’m totally undecided! I found some notes I wrote on election day, before the results started coming in…so filled with hope and expectations…certainly not what we got! And are subjected to every. #@$&* day!
Sigh. If only it were her voice coming from the White House these days.
As Gretchen Rubin says . . . “the days are long, but the years are short.” I’ve got an Overdrive hold on this one, too!