…are full of gratitude!
The weekend was so full of so many good things. Thankfully the rain held off until late in the day so there was lots of out-door time. The gardens were put to bed. And, the extra hour was used for reading!
Sunday’s torrential downpours did not put a damper on the day at all; Steve watched football and I read some more. I even managed to knit a bit, but more on that later this week!
Over the weekend I also got myself “caught up” with 30 Days of Gratitude and Michelle GD’s Gratitude week kicks off today! I am feeling very ready to immerse myself in gratitude and have the makings for a most grateful month! This is much-needed because I was not feeling the November love at all!
So, Hello Monday! I am feeling recharged, extremely grateful, and ready to begin a new week!
What about you?
I love a week of gratitude! Im feeling a bit shameful as I was blue Sunday and it was all because of the cloudy cold damp foggy weather.
Sun’s out this morning and we are off to the barn …I’m grateful I had healthy children. I’m grateful for time to knit this weekend. My vest is moving along really nicely. Fireman is healing! The kids have arranged their Christmas flights home!!
Oh, that image feels all kinds of cozy!
I’m so glad you’re joining in this special Gratitude Week, in the midst of practicing all month long (yes, with you there too).
Here’s to gratitude and a little November love…
{and Sometimes Mondays}
I am trying to be grateful today, considering some of the events of the weekend. Monday mornings are always rough, and apparently our power went out briefly overnight. I am grateful that my alarm clock has a backup and still woke me up on time!
I’m grateful for a cloudy, damp day with lots of potential ahead, a great day for getting some work done and meeting a looming deadline. With the rain, I will be able to buckle down and won’t be tempted to take a walk!
You’re all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed today, aren’t you?! Good for you!
My world is calm, beautiful, with no obligations or requirements, no upheaval, no drama. I couldn’t be more grateful for all I have. May your month be one of calm and beauty, too. xo
What a perfect start to your week, Kat! Sometimes Mondays offer a smooth beginning. XO
I had so much fun seeing all the love and gratitude in my Instagram (and now blog) feed … sure makes the darker days of November a little happier!
Such a beautiful photograph. Yes to gratitude.
Welcome to the week and the positive energy you have is contagious. We’ve had a great Monday so let’s kerp it coming!!
I am swimming in gratitude now that I am done with physical therapy and onto the gym. onward and upward! Is that a fountain pen?? the written word with pen and paper is so powerful for me and my reflections!