The mind moves in the direction of our current dominant thoughts. Earl Nightingale
Finishing: I am closing in on the finish of the body of my Rusty. My goal for today is to finish these last few rows and get my crochet steeks done so that I can cut it apart tonight at knitting, per request. Apparently, no one there has ever steeked before, so I will attempt to alleviate some of the fears about doing it!
Watching…very little recently. But, I do have some catch up to do from Sunday night’s PBS line up! So in order to assure that I get my finishing gets done, I will be queueing up Poldark and The Durrell’s shortly. I also have been watching The Collection which is a very interesting series from Amazon that my local PBS station is running.
Reflecting: I just spent seven days with Michelle GD immersed in gratitude – there were wonderful messages and much to think about. This year was especially wonderful with some new ways to consider gratitude in my life.
Drinking: Lots of Old Fashioned cocktails! My favorite was a pumpkin-spiced Old Fashioned and I was asked for the recipe, so here you go! This one is really thanks to Steve because he created the pumpkin spice ingredient for some beer he is brewing. He did not use all the liquid, and so a new Old Fashioned was born.
Pumpkin-Spiced Old Fashioned:
- 4 ounces Crown Royal Black Label
- 1-ounce simple syrup
- 1 tsp. pumpkin spiced vodka **
Pour all ingredients over ice and stir well to chill. Pour over ice and garnish with a flamed zest of an orange. Enjoy!
** Pumpkin Spiced “syrup”: 6 ounces neutral spirit (he used Skyy Vodka) and 2 Tbsp. Organic Pumpkin Pie Spice (we got this at Whole
PaycheckFoods but it was the cheapest and organic) Do no refrigerate and shake daily for at least 7 days. You can strain if you want, but it was not necessary at all.
There you have what is dominating my thoughts these days. What about you?
You take the most beautiful pictures.
A pumpkin-spiced old fashioned sounds like just the reward for successful steeking!
Can’t wait to see that Rusty finished! I, too, have been catching up on my PBS shows. For some reason, the shows I watch have a tendency to all air on the same night. This year, it’s Sunday. I watch all three shows on PBS (The Durrells in Corfu, Poldark, and The Collection) as well as Outlander. I’ve been watching Outlander at 8 and Poldark at 9 and then catching up on the other two the next evening or so. I am enjoying them all but am also somewhat looking forward to the seasons being over so I don’t constantly feel like I am behind!
Love the quote as I have been talking gratitude with a friend all week. We’ve discovered we’re both writing one daily item of gratitude in our journals and feeling the benefits. It’s lovely!
Now I want a pumpkin old fashioned! Grrrrrreat. It’s going to be a long day!
I LOVE your old fashioned glasses! and are you still using homemade cherries? Hopefully, since today is Wednesday, you’ll share the outside of Rusty – I’m excited to see the colorwork!
Thanks for the recipe! I’m definitely going to serve these on Thanksgiving! (Though I may have only one taker!)