There was a bit of unraveling here this week. I had started this sweater earlier least year and I was uncertain on what size to make because well, a sweater knit with 14″ of positive ease? So, I cast on with a more moderate amount of ease and began knitting.
Now, let’s talk for a brief moment about knitting with dark brown yarn, shall we? And, this pattern… it seems like the perfect storm for making a mistake and never even realizing it until, oh let’s say, several repeats later… Um, yeah. So, I tried to ladder back, with cabling…and dark brown yarn…
Right, so now you see the unraveling bit. But, before I unraveled, I tried on the sweater thus far, I did have a good bit of the yoke completed. Enough to make the determination that a little more ease than I planned would be better.
So, adjustments made, and I re-cast on Monday night. This will be a bright light knit, but I feel more confident about where this pattern is going now.
I also finished a book to start off the New Year! I read The Little Book of Hygge by Meik Wiking. It was a quick and easy read. There were some “ah-ha” moments and some things that made me laugh, and I realized that in all those trips to my mother-in-law’s house with candles, Kringle, Æbleskivers, and great company were the best hygge training a girl could ask for. Sadly, I see clearly that I live with a hyggehater, so everything that I want to do puts me in direct opposition to what Steve wants to do. Case in point, twinkle lights no longer turn on. Candles? He complains that I am about to set the house on fire. And, don’t even get me started on lamp light in rooms! Anyways, if you want a quick and simple plan for inserting some hygge into your life, this book gives you some great ideas. I am on the waitlist for Wiking’s The Little Book of Lykke: The Danish Search for the World’s Happiest People. I am looking forward to reading it as well!
I am currently slowly reading Manhattan Beach, but I need to get moving on this as it is due back to the library soon! I just started listening to my first Read Harder Challenge book, Killers of the Flower Moon by David Grann.
What are you reading and making to start the new year? If you wrote a post for Unraveled Wednesday, please leave your link! Thank you!
I hadn’t given a name to it, but John is also a hyggehater! I took down decorations but added some lights, and he had many complaints. Candles and “unused” lamps elicit the same responses as Steve’s. My reply about turning on lights is that he won’t want to take care of me if I break my leg falling down the unlit stairs, so I’m going to turn on as many lights as I need. I wonder if he and Steve should move in together? 🙂
My link:
Hmm, I wonder if my husband’s habit of leaving lights on in empty rooms makes him a hygge lover? 😛
I have about 100 pages left to read in “The Lake House,” which was passed on to me by my mother and will likely be my first finished book of the year. It’s very good!
I completely empathize with the dark yarn difficulties. It definitely requires as much light as possible in whatever forms are available!
The hygge book sounds interesting. Our family is all for being cozy. We took down our tree yesterday and I turned on the can lights, but they really aren’t a substitute for the tree lights. So I mentioned to hubby that I might put up some fairy lights to add more light in the room. No complaints!
Joining UW at
We need link intervention as the link isn’t available, Kat. Nature is cooperating on some level to bring you some hygge as there is more light in the sky at the end of the day. Have you noticed? I’ve already finished one book for 2018 (The Power) and well into another. Next up I’m going for a classic!
Luckily for me, Dale is a hyggelover – twinkle lights, candles, cozy reading nooks, he is all in! Must be that Scandinavian blood.
It’s just me & my dog here and we are both hygge lovers! She likes to snuggle next to me when I’m reading or knitting. I’m reading The Woman Who Smashed Codes and am fascinated by this piece of history.
Oh I hope you like Flower Moon. One of my goals is audio booking in 2018. Its time.
Mylace shawl is in a big ol time out. Fireman said,
YOU are studying more than knitting ..
He knows nothing of lace. He did see me rip back already too!
what a bummer to undo knitting but so glad you found out and didn’t knit more! I’m working on my son in law’s sweater and a pair of mittens for me me me!!
My husband is a hyggehater also. Candles make him sneeze, even the battery operated ones! And forget turning on a lamp. The man lives like he’s a vampire hiding in the dark or something. He even wants the shades pulled tightly closed during the day so the sun doesn’t come in. Makes me insane!
Your yarn may be brown and hard to see, but it’s a beautiful brown. Enjoy the process.
My dad read The Little Book of Hygge last year and quite enjoyed it.
I hope the second go-round with the sweater works better than the first. Good luck!
Damn you, woman! You just forced me to put three more books on my Want-to-Read shelf! On the other hand, the book I chose for my “read in one sitting” Challenge is 400+ pages; the Little Book of Hygge may replace it.
My Unraveled post today:
Oh my, the comments to your post, especially about Hygge and our male companions had me laughing out loud. Too funny. I have read the book and I love the concept of Hygge…I also like winter, tho’ I wish it were a tad warmer these days. Our holiday decorations are still up – I guess I’ll get them down on Sat…we always left the tree up til the 12th day of Christmas when I was a child – so I follow suit.
My post is here:
We have a string of white twinkle lights in the kitchen all year. It brightens up the dark mornings.
I am battling the crud today and looking for something simple to knit.
Glad you enjoyed Hygge, my sister got Lykke for Christmas and is probably finished that one now. It looks like a good read too. Happy Knitting!
Here is my link:
I haven’t read that book yet, but like Hygge as a concept.
Here’s my post:
since candles and cats don’t work well together I bought a few of the electric (battery operated) candles with a remote control – like the glow in the room very much and they were cheap as chips at Big Lots (7 bucks for 3 including the remote)
There’s a woman from Denmark in my knitting group and she’s is constantly shaking her head at us…
ha! so many of us are married to hyggehaters! hope you get your sweater back on track … I wrote about last year’s reading today, which might’ve worked as “unraveled”, but I’d prefer to think of it more as a reality check!
Hope the sweater behaves!
The comments about partners and hygge make me smile. I hope your sweater gets back on track and you have knitting time in the light of sunshine. I cast on a sweater this week – five times. I consider the false starts to be swatching. I’m reading Gathering from the Grassland by Linda Hasselstrom.
I hear you about the dark brown yarn. I am considering a dark charcoal lopi knit and ummmm, I bet it’d cause some major cussing while underway. Or, I might dorkily wear a headlamp while working on it.