I cannot with good conscience participate in something as trivial as Three on Thursday, today.
We are 46 days into 2018, just 46 days – 6 and a half weeks – 1 and a half months – and in that short span of time there have been 19 school shootings. That is roughly 1 in every 2 and a half days.
If that does not shock you – it should.
And, if we continue this path it will mean that we can expect another 124 more such incidents before the end of 2018, and yesterday’s shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School earned itself 3rd place on the “deadliest shooting” list.
How many more children must be lost to gun violence before we as a nation say enough.
We need commonsense gun laws. We needed them yesterday. Senator Chris Murphy said it best: School Shootings are a “consequence of our inaction”.
Thoughts and prayers are all well and good, but if they are not coupled with action – they are meaningless. And, while my thoughts are with the families of the 17 victims who lost their lives yesterday as well as with those in the hospital recovering from this horrific attack. I will be sending a message to my elected officials today as well. If you are participating in the Month of Letters, perhaps today you should send a note to your elected official telling them that you expect action. If you are unsure of how to do that, you can find your elected official here.
We can no longer be silent.
Of all the things that make me angry about how things are in our country right now, this is perhaps the worst. We’ve always thought of schools as a safe place for our children. It breaks my heart that that’s no longer the case.
I’m ashamed that our country and its elected officials place guns above human lives. I’ve written letters and made phone calls, but after Sandy Hook, I’m afraid that it will take much more. This is one fight we can not never give up on.
I agree that something must be done. However, I think we should go further than gun control, and address the issue of why so many people are so angry that they think killing people is a good idea. Shootings don’t happen just because there are guns available. They happen because someone decides to use the gun. Seeking answers about why that happens must be a priority.
I am disgusted at how little our government values human life, it seems that groups like the NRA and big business always come first. Until our government places more value on human life than it does on money, we will continue to have mass shootings & other acts of violence, mass incarceration, poor health care, & poor education. I get frustrated, but will continue to try to be heard. I am ashamed of our country.
Our country is better than this. Why???
There are many factors, including the state of the mental health care system, the ease of obtaining semi-automatic/automatic weapons, and the them v. us mentality.
We all need to improve. Until schools ARE safe again. Until mental health care coverage is improved. Until weapons are controlled.
If you haven’t contacted your lawmakers, now is the time. If you have contacted them, contact them again. This has got to stop!
It is horrifying. I feel like Mr. Ryan of Wisconsin will turn a deaf ear to my thoughts. I will contact my lawmakers at your urging. Thanks
My heart aches for all those involved. I pray for the souls of those killed and their families, for all those affected by the shootings and for the shooters and their family.
While I do agree that some gun control may be necessary what this country needs is so much more. Controlling guns will not solve the issue. Our culture has devolved into a culture where the value of a human life is unimportant…..abortion, assisted suicide, mass shootings, gang violence, sex trafficking are prime examples. It has devolved where ‘me’ is the most important person and ‘I’ should be able to do exactly what ‘I’ want irregardless of anyone else. The is a country where God and prayer are no longer valued???? (except for those who are believers) . Those who stand up for their beliefs are put down. Who teaches our children the value of being an American citizen do schools say the pledge of allegiance anymore? Who teaches our children morals and ethics these days?
I could continue …but I’ll get off my soap box ????
Well said.
Well said. My husband and son are both American citizens, and although we’ve contemplated moving to the States, the lack of gun control and the prevalence of school shootings have always stopped us. Australia has strict gun regulation and I’m grateful for it.
Well said, Kat.
Amen Kat. Thank you for taking a stand.
Guns and immigration. Nothing will change. The representatives of our country have no will to make big changes. They are in love with their obstructionist views and incapable for sensible thought. VOTE THEM OUT!
Thank you for this Kat. As one who works at a school, the impact of these events can be paralyzing. I am going to follow you lead and write some letters. Action is important.
I pray daily for peace and end of violence. I am shocked and speechless that our country allows this to happen.