The world is mud-luscious and puddle-wonderful! e.e. cummings
I am desperately trying to see my back yard through the lens of cummings, so today I am sharing three good things about the rain!
Thing One:
After several of moderately warm and rainy days, my forsythia is ready to explode with color and the leaf buds on the lilac bush are ready to burst open. Should this phenomenon happen, expect some brilliant forsythia photos tomorrow! I have my fingers crossed!
Thing Two:
The non-stop rains have helped me focus on my list and in such, I have made excellent headway and the end of the list is near!
Thing Three:
We have a “window” of no rain in the forecast starting Saturday and lasting through Monday! Which is PERFECT because it encompasses both Easter Sunday and Steve’s birthday on Monday! Now, I am not holding my breath because weather forecasting in the Pittsburgh area leaves much to be desired, but I am hopeful!
And, with that I am off to finish those last few things on my list! Want to see more things? Head on over to Carole’s!
That window of no rain sounds perfect!
Being positive about rain is hard, but you’re doing great 😉 I’m going to try and follow your example (it’s dry now, but more rain is coming).
That window sounds good, hope the forecasts are right this time!
I’m a little jealous. Rain makes me lazy rather than task oriented and we just had The rainiest winter of my entire life. My to-do list is now novel length. Hope you get & enjoy a sunny weekend!
I’m sorry you’ve been inundated, but hopefully March showers will bring lots of flowers! I don’t have any forsythia, so I’m looking forward to seeing yours soon. And thank you for some e.e. cummings!
Forsythia and lilac! Heart, be still. Y’all are WAY ahead of us in Pittsburgh. I’m going to enjoy every photo you post! XOK
The sun is out and it finally feels warm-ish here. Hooray! Hope you enjoy all the things about spring.
Junah was so excited to see some green grassy stuff in the woods yesterday!!
I saw a daffodil in bloom near my house yesterday (no buds quite yet on mine, but they were pretty buried under last week’s snow). And I’ve worn a light jacket the past two days. I really hope this is spring for real!
Even if the forsythia doesn’t bloom today or tomorrow, it will definitely bloom the day after that. (Or the next day.) In any case, it will bloom…and you will show us gorgeous photos. And I will sigh with longing and admire the ice that still covers the lake and the Canada geese that march around on it.
I love forsythia and look forward to seeing your pics…I just made a note to myself: plant some for next spring! Wonder why it took me so long to figure that out? Duh!
We’re about to start a rain cycle here in NoMe. I’m so ready for winter to be over!
I hope the sun shines through that weekend window! (and I’d add “washes away the pollen” to the list of things I love about spring rain …)
Hope your rain break is sunny and bright!