I can guarantee it is snowing. These fragile blossoms that bobbed gently in the winds, today bravely hold snow. Winter and Spring continue to battle, and Spring’s weekend victory has been usurped by a wintry blast.
But, perhaps the best balm is a bit of poetry:
Spring Snow
By Richard Greene
Wet snow coats
twig, branch and bud.
Against the still black street
the waning season
limns its last words
in bold calligraphy.
Today I am profoundly thankful for hot coffee, wooly sweaters, and no pressing need to leave the house.
You are lucky you can stay inside today! I walked to work in a snow squall. It was not pleasant. Now I am sitting here with a cup of tea and my space heater on to try to dry my damp pants. Blech!
Snow covers the lawns and the temperatures dropped 40 degrees. The rest of the week looks warm and we hope the sun makes an appearance, too! I’m tired of gray (and cold). Hope your beautiful flowers stay around for awhile!
I would much rather see those tiny little blossoms without snow! I’m trying not to complain about our cold and flurries (especially when Vicki has feet of the stuff), so I’m practicing gratitude for hot tea and a warm Hitchhiker around my neck.
Not leaving the house is so wonderful on a day when the weather is difficult. Happy for you. We are due for more tomorrow. Then there is a whisper of a promise of warmer weather
Well, that is ONE THING that I’m grateful for… that there were no buds or any other visibly growing thing that would have been damaged by the ice, snow & wind that we had with Evelyn (the April blizzard)!
I’m with you! I went out for no more than a block today and nearly froze…no snow, just wind and cold. Enough. It’s been grey all day and as I write this comment: the sun has the audacity to shine…nearly time to set, ol Sol! Lovely poem…
So. Tired. of. Winter. Surely spring will show up for good soon . . . don’t you think???
I hope you had a great warm productive day inside!
Crazy weather, perfect poem, and hope you had a great day inside!