No unraveling here this week, just long rows of knitting as I have joined all the sections of my Lunar Phases together. These rows require counting and keeping track of where you are, but it is rhythmic and fun knitting as I see it growing, albeit slowly!
I am a little antsy about what project to start next and not at all sure what I want to do. I want to knit a cardigan from Uniform, but I am uncertain what style to knit, or what material to knit with. However, I have some lingering projects that I should be disciplined and finish. Or perhaps, I should do a bit of sewing or at the very least, I should make the muslin to determine the alterations necessary on a sleeveless Uniform Top. It seems I am as unsettled as the weather has been!
Fortunately, the reading has been not unsettled at all, although not all the reading has been great!
I devoured Jason Matthews Red Sparrow. It was fantastic! I loved the story and the recipes. And, I am eagerly awaiting the second book of the trilogy. This is a 5-star book and I highly recommend!
Thanks to long hours of yard work over the weekend, I also finished listening to The Idiot. I am not sure what was the greater punishment – the yard work or the book. I am surprised, as The Idiot made the long list for the Women’s Prize for Fiction. I was not impressed at all and gave it 2-stars. I do not recommend it at all.
I “cleansed my palate” with the quick listen of Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men – read by Gary Sinise. Short, sweet, and, more importantly, it reminded me how much I love Steinbeck.
I just started listening to Flat Broke with Two Goats, which is The Big Library Read choice for spring. It is not at all what I expected, but I am enjoying it tremendously.
What are you making or reading (or both!) this week? If you wrote a post today, please leave the link to the post in your comment! And, thank you!
The weather is on everyone’s mind these days, somehow April became a pseudo-March and is still roaring in like a lion. Wild.
Knitting for me is steady as I have a new grand baby coming. Blanket, sweater, booties – all are sweetly small and soothing to knit.
Reading, like you I thought “The Idiot” was too odd to finish. Of my audio books, “Educated, a Memoir” is a slow one – it seems there are many dysfunctional families in novels.
I just started reading “Word by Word: The Secret Life of Dictionaries.” Word nerd that I am, I am enjoying it tremendously, though I haven’t gotten very far.
can’t wait to see what you cast on next. I started a shawl, and so far I’m enjoying it. Also started the next gamache….(a trick of the light). So excited to return to three pines!
I love the colors in your Lunar! I started FB2G but haven’t continued with it and think it may expire soon. I’ll give it another go though, I liked what I’ve read so far.
I do like your Lunar Phases and am anxious to see how it proceeds. I’ve also been unsettled like the weather, and have had to curtail my Ravelry time. I quickly fall into spending too much time looking and dreaming about future projects when I’ve got lots of things to finish first. It’s almost like the universe is trying to tell me to pay attention and be fully present in the here and now!
I’ve been thinking about re-reading Of Mice & Men. Haven’t read it since high school. And now, I’m putting Flat Broke with Two Goats on the top of my To Read list if for no other reason than it’s title. It just sounds like a fun read.
The colors in that shawl are gorgeous. I am reading some poetry and also picked up a collection of Cather’s short stories. I am waiting for some library holds to appear.
I am right there with you on what to knit next. Hence, my log Cabin Knit revival. I love your lunar phases colors!
I finished my great-niece’s blanket–now it’s time to ship it to the baby shower. 🙂
You make me laugh. . . I’ve been reading the Women’s Prize longlist for years now, and I can honestly say that some of the worst books I’ve ever read have been on that list!!! 🙂 It is consistently filled with the Best and the Worst books of the year. (I thought The Idiot looked . . . questionable. I recently read Miss Burma — also on the Women’s Prize list. Pretty awful; I can’t recommend it.) Another thing about the Women’s Prize list . . . is that many of the books on it aren’t even available in the U.S. until late summer. Oh, well. There are still enough great books on the list to make it worth picking through! XO
Oh, listening to Gary Sinise read a book… will have to check that out!!
Oh my – that knitting is scrumptious – cannot wait to see how it ends up! I think I’m finally to a better place with my reading, but I’m not even going to mention what I started this morning in case I jinx it!
My current book is 4321 and although I’m enjoying it I wish I saved it for the summer. My reading time is a bit disjointed the last few weeks and this book seems to need longer reading sessions to keep things straight. Wish I had kept some journal notes on this one! On the knitting front Speckle and Pop is coming along. I’m cruising on the second section.
I’m adding more color to my Color Shifting Shawl and I’m reading “A Higher Loyalty” the James Comey book and it’s an excellent memoir, way beyond a tell-all book with lots of thoughtful stories of his life.
As is my style, I’m dipping into a variety of books…and continuing to add more titles to my lists…I should never run out of things to read…
Looking forward to seeing your knitted piece…my nine patch log cabin blanket is coming along very slowly…
Very happy to be warned away from The Idiot. I can worn you away from several more on the WP list. Your Lunar looks interesting and beautiful! I’m reading a little, knitting a little, and wishing and hoping for sun (a LOT)!!
Your project is looking great! it makes me want to cast on something like a shawl. I love the colors you chose too.This week I continued reading Commonwealth and really liking it, and knitted some more rows of the WAG top. Here is my link:
Flat Broke with Two Goats sounds like my kind of book — just put it on my TBR list.