It seems with blogging daily I am telling you everything that is going on in my life. Close, but not really. A good bit of time has passed since my last Currently post, and Tuesday’s being an inordinately challenging blog post day, I figure it might be time for some more current and pressing things in my life right now, right?
Watching: I recently binged the London Spy on Netflix. Wow. It was good and had crazy twists and turns. I highly recommend. I am also watching Season 2 of The Handmaid’s Tale as they drop each week on Wednesday, also so good! And, The American’s is winding down to the series finale. So, lots of mystery and wtf moments in the watching department!
Experiencing: Incredible relief! I had a little sit down about my volunteer activities and it worked out better than I thought it might! Yes, I am still doing some volunteering, but it now feels more like volunteering and less like free work! This is a very good reminder to me that setting boundaries in all things are a best practice.
Planning: Lots of things (some of which I shared yesterday) but really… MEALS! I have somehow strayed from healthy eating. Okay, that makes it seem like I was not at all responsible for what I eat and drink, lol. The fact is I have gained some weight back and it is a good reminder that being healthy is a lifestyle, not a temporary fix. So, we have been spending the month of May focusing on getting back to that lifestyle. It has been a challenge, but I think we are turning the corner. I am not beating myself up over this lapse, but rather using it as a motivational point.
Loving: This post from IG that January One shared on Sunday. It struck a cord with me and was just what I needed to see.
Repurposing: I have discovered that Lotta Jandottor’s Esme Top with cap sleeves (which needs no binding around the sleeves) fits PERFECTLY in a repurposed 100 Acts of Sewing Dress No. 2. I will be sewing up a few more tops in the next week or so and it makes me feel so good that these dresses are not going to waste!
Contemplating: Planting!! Specifically, tomato and pepper varieties and pondering beans with the hopes that Operation Keep Bunnies Out does do just that.
And, there you have a list of what’s current in my world right now! What about you?
I really like that there is lots of good stuff going on in your world! Relief and repurposing are terrific feelings, and I am cheering for your side against those adorable but incredibly destructive bunnies!
Setting boundaries — with occasional re-visits — is such a good thing to do! Good for you, Kat! And I love your attitude about healthy eating/living. You’ll be back on track in no time. XOXO
I am waiting until all the Handmaid’s Tale season 2 episodes are out and then I’ll reactivate my Hulu account to binge-watch. I’m really interested to see where they go now that they’ve gone past what was in the book.
I’m also getting around to planning out my garden for the year. We have some cherry tomato plants and I’m sure I’ll pick up some herbs, but we’re also going to try growing some bell peppers from seed. And I’ll likely need to get a cucumber plant or two because we had such success with them last year. I am hoping that now that we’ve put wire mesh around all the areas where we seemed to have critters last year, we’ll actually be able to eat some of what we grow before someone else gnaws on it!
Glad your volunteer activities are back on track! Our local Master Gardeners have their plant sale this Saturday and I’m so excited!!
You have a great way of looking at situations Kat! Good luck with the bunnies!! We had a salad with the first of our spinach and lettuce from the garden last night – so good!
Good stuff in this post, Kat!
I have to watch it with my volunteering too. I dont want it to feel like a job. They can always use more help, but boundaries are so important. YOU ARE right. I binge watch the incredible doc pol and CUbs games
Marc and I just started The Americans … we’ve nearly finished season one and oh my, it’s so good! I was really moved by all the different IG posts for/on Mother’s Day (starting with this one I’ve been fortunate to have choices and the opportunity to make decisions that seem right for me and my family. I’d love to think we could all be supportive of women who don’t have those choices (for whatever reason), or who make decisions we don’t agree with. *sigh* and hugs!
I hope you’re able to keep the bunnies at bay and your garden gets off to a great start! Setting boundaries with anything we do in life is a good idea. Revisiting your volunteer work in addition to your lifestyle changes is what makes a successful life.