Greetings, Unravelers!
I have a finished object to share with you all today! That’s right…Kirsten Kapur’s Summer Mystery Shawl is finished, and she is gorgeous! I really love how it turned out, and I knit the extended version of the shawl. Six weeks of clues, and yes… six different lace motifs that merged beautifully into the completed shawl. There was no boredom knitting this, each clue brought new “ooh’s and aah’s” as I knit. It is masterful how well the designs “grow” together! I think this will become a well-worn piece once shawl weather arrives! You can see all the details (and more pictures) here.
My knitting this week has been consumed with my Rock the Lobster… two sleeves are done, and I have about 7 inches of the body completed. I have been sort of obsessed with getting it done since I pulled it out and started knitting it again last weekend. I am debating about trying to install a zipper, rather than knit button bands…but I have never done this with a knit garment. Do any of you have any experience with this? If yes, please share all your tips – good and bad!
My reading has been just as obsessive as my knitting! Ha!
Finishes for me since we last talked:
I flew through The Remains of the Day, and I simply loved it. What a brilliantly written novel and I gave it 5-stars!
Likewise, Paris in the Present Tense was phenomenal listen. I laughed, I cried, I could not stop listening! This too was a 5-star read. This was my first Mark Helprin novel and it won’t be my last!
Brave New World… oh boy. Where does one begin? Honestly, I have read better dystopian novels, but this was a banned book that I had not read. I hope none of this ever comes true and I gave it 3-stars.
Sleeper Novel: The Twelve Lives of Samuel Hawley. Really… wow. I loved this book and had no idea where it was going to go! It easily gets 5-stars and I highly recommend! It is well written and a wonderfully told story.
My Current Reads/Listens:
I am listening to Anthony Bourdain’s Kitchen Confidential read by the author. Bittersweet and brilliant, and I am just about halfway though.
And, The House at the Edge of Night, which I just started on my iPad. No thoughts formulated yet.
My second bingo card is filling nicely, and I have several good things in my queue. I am hoping some holds come through, and if they do – I could see a second cover all for the summer.
That’s all I have for today! What about you? What are you reading and making this week?
If you wrote a post to share today, please leave your link below!
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Your shawl is beautiful! The lace sections really do flow together wonderfully, and you chose a great color. Shawl season needs to come soon so you can show it off!
gorgeous finish and I’m super jealous you finished something and I alas did not….oh well. I read the remains of the day and it was okay, I don’t remember being stunned by the reading. But then I cannot remember much of anything. I’m 3/4s done with Pachinko, which I love!!
Your shawl is stunning! I’d say that long, complicated bind-off was well worth it!
I’ve done a zipper once, and it was a process. I’m not entirely sure if it was a success, but I think that’s mainly because the pattern had some issues. I’m pretty sure I used this sort-of tutorial to help me:
I just picked up a copy of Kitchen Confidential at Costo and it is next on my TBR pile!
Beautiful finish Kat! That is one gorgeous shawl which I hope you may wear soon. Love the color too. Wow! Possibly a second cover-all? You are speed reading (and listening). My updates on are my blog.
Your shawl is lovely and it will be perfect for the Fall! I’m still plugging away on mine, this hot, humid weather has slowed me down!
I just LOVE you TTLM!! It’s more beautiful than I thought it would be. Nice, nice, nice!!
Kirsten Kapur is A Master! Your shawl looks lovely — and I especially love the combination of color and lace. Nicely done! 🙂
PS – Yes. I have sewn zippers in cardigans! There is a particularly good tutorial out there — I’ll find it and send a link via email.
That shawl is beautiful!
The shawl is breathtaking! Kristen has delivered a wonderful pattern once again. My experience with zippers in sweaters is to hand it to my friend Lois and have her do it!
I’ve just added your book recs to my Overdrive queue 🙂 Beautiful lacework and photos. Very inspiring!
Nice work! I have ALL THE HOLDS coming through this week unfortunately. We shall see where we go…no stress! Your shawl is stunning and I love the single color version.
That shawl is gorgeous. Isn’t it nice to finish a larger project and really like it? Some “new to me” books on your list. The queue keeps growing longer. I read Remains of the Day and really enjoyed it. Too many books and too little time.
Kudos to you for that lovely, lovely shawl! Wear it in the best of health And congrats too for all those books you’re reading! Carry on!
Oh Kat – your shawl is gorgeous!! I’m so happy to see an FO photo that makes me want to finish mine! I have installed one zipper – on a hoodie for Charlie ( I followed this tutorial ( and it was a lot easier than I thought it would be. I think you might want to try it!
I need a clear head, quiet house & a bit of time alone to fix dropped stitches on my shawl and I can’t wait!! Yours is GORGEOUS!!!
I installed a zipper in a little hoodie for Junah a few years ago… I don’t remember doing it, but the photos tell me that I used blocking wires to stabilize/straighten. I’ve always wanted to try to No-Sew method:
Kitchen Confidential was one of the first audiobooks I read…