I don’t remember when the last time I have done a “currents” post (I looked, and it was May) and with Carole away on vacation it seemed the perfect day to do one! Waning August is heavy on my mind. Things look tired in my yard… spent…done, perhaps even overdone! It is sad to spend time in the vegetable garden because things there are almost done. I don’t know how many more big tomatoes we will get, but I am still harvesting a few cherry tomatoes every day, but I don’t think that will be the case much longer! The beans seem to be the one thing that has been entirely unaffected by all this wretched heat… I am picking a healthy handful every day. But, this was not a good year for peppers at all. But, am I really ready for a new month and a new season? Yes, I confess I absolutely am! And, here is what else is filling my days and will carry me into September!
Watched/Watching: The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society is a lovely movie! It was most excellent company for Cretan stitching! It’s on Netflix if you are interested! I am also eagerly waiting each week for a new episode of Castle Rock on Hulu… it is also so good!
Listening: My new favorite channel on Spotify is Your Favorite Coffeehouse…it is my favorite Friday Happy Hour mix and we are listening to it regularly! Also, I am anticipating the new Tony Bennett and Diana Krall music!
Making: Every day! Right? But, I am caught between two seasons – trying to finish things up to wear them while there is still summer, and getting things done to be ready when the inevitable change in the weather happens. And, sewing is really consuming my mind…I have a vision for a slim, straight black knit skirt to go with my new AC-esque shirt! A blog friend asked yesterday if this sewing theme will continue into the fall, and yes… I believe it will – for the foreseeable future!
Feeling: Cooped up! It has been such a hot summer, I am really feeling a good bit of excitement for cooler nights (and yes… days too!) A house with wide open windows and with no AC running is my latest obsession! Also, I am feeling a perverse sense of joy at school being back in session! Really… the days are so incredibly quiet now and it is the loveliest thing!
Planning: Our trip to Michigan to visit the kids and my granddaughter and I really can’t wait. We are staying in a new place, much closer to them and with much more room. This means more cooking for me and “forced family fun” (as my kids loved to call it) but, I am eagerly anticipating it!
Loving: And feeling rather proud about some rather difficult decisions I have recently made! But, the realization that the decision to NOT be in choir this year was just what I needed…the feeling of a weight being lifted, the sense of dread gone, the anxiousness removed! Just because you have always done something, does not mean you always have to… trust me when I tell you that changing things up gives the most amazing new perspective!
Reading: voraciously! Yes, this has been one heck of a summer for books for me! I have read 45 books since Memorial Day weekend. So many good books! I also blew past my Goodreads goal this month, and have exceeded 100 books read this year! The key to my voluminous reading success is the number of audio books I have listened to this year. And, a huge thanks to Carnegie Library for their amazing selection of audiobooks to choose from!
There you have what my Waning August looks like. What about you? What does your current look like?
My currently is all about getting the classrooms and my new staff ready for the first weeks of school but soon I will begin to carve out those minutes to be creative every day – making is a lifesaver.
I LOVE your sunflower photo, and what a great lot of things you’ve got going on as August wanes. I’m currently learning what I need in NJ and what I need in MD. I don’t want to buy duplicates of everything, but I also don’t want to schlep too much back and forth. This week I’ve learned that I need a set of knitting needles (so I can cast on for my square) and Benadryl in MD!
Oh yes, I agree with so much of what you’ve written today. The only TV we’ve watched this summer was The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society and it was so sweet. Last night we had a much needed thunderstorm. It was fun to watch and lifted all our spirits. The air is much cooler and will stay that way all week. Saying “no” can be hard, but is it is always a good word to keep at the ready. Good for you in making the decision that works best for you. I have also had a grand summer of reading and I owe it to audio books over any other reason. Have a wonderful time with your family!
I just watched The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society over the weekend and really enjoyed it (as I expected I would). Definitely one of those movies that lives up to the book!
I, too, have been reading voraciously, but your total blows mine out of the water! I also surpassed my yearly goal on Goodreads, but my goal was only 25 books for the year. I wish I could do audiobooks, but I find that without my eyes focused on something, my mind wanders. But ebooks from the library has been a revelation.
Holy cow. 43 books ahead of schedule?? That’s crazy!! I love me some “forced family fun” (and that makes me laugh)!! Looking forward to watching that movie sometime (I really enjoyed the audio book).
Nicely put, all your “current” thoughts. So much to think about is what I thought after reading yours.
This morning is cooler, hurrah, I am done with summer and that “cooped up” feeling. My knitting has been haphazard and cluttered – my focus is lost in summer so I am glad of autumn coming. My stash is calling me.
Your reading is wonderful, and I am so glad because I get many ideas from you. And I agree, audio is so helpful to obtain more reading.
I’ve also had some decisions to make, mostly age+body related and realizing my limitations, of which one is traveling – it takes a lot out of me. But who doesn’t want to see family and friends, so I fly more these days and decrease my expectations to accomplish as much as I wish.
Beautiful photo of the sunflower Kat! Looking forward to seeing your fall sewing. We watched the Guernsey movie the other week and really enjoyed it – the choice for actors seemed perfect. Our garden is winding down, but we are still getting a lot of tomatoes and green beans…oh and hot peppers too – they won’t stop producing!! But it all looks old and raggedy and soon it will be time to put the garden to bed. Refreshingly cooler this morning and almost no humidity – finally!!
It was a very unsettled summer for us (third move in two years). I am so looking to the mental fresh start that Sept. 1 always brings.
Congrats on 43 books! Wow!
I watched The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society a few days ago, it was so sweet and just what I needed to take my mind off of the news! It’s good that you know when something isn’t right for you anymore, by moving on, you can make room for something else. I always ponder quitting choir toward the end of the season, but then find myself looking forward to the new season every fall. Our director just sent us some new pieces to add to our repertoire and now I can’t wait until we start up again later in September.
I look forward to the day I can pass the reins of the county Dems party to someone else (I hope January 1, 2019). That will be a burden lifted. Such good decisions you have made!
I think August has been excellent for you! Waning or not! You’ve had a busy and productive summer and 50, at least, handclaps for your reading success! I bet a whole bunch a moms are glad school’s resumed, too!
It’s so liberating . . . to let go of things (items, activities, commitments) that are no longer serving us! Good for you! Now you have even more time for the things that ARE serving you well. What a bonus! Enjoy these last days of August. XO
I agree with you. When a activity becomes unpleasant or less than it once was to you…time to change it up! I love being at the barn. The change from small animal volunteering to HORSES has been a dream.
My currents; Boxes everywhere! Joyful boxes. My son is moving to CHICAGO!!!!! Current: knitting with cotton. Current: finally getting in to see a dermatolgist after a 12 week wait, tomorrow. Can he turn back time?? haha
I’m feeling the need to reassess a few things, too. I let go almost everything and want to be intentional about what I add back. and I think fall/winter sewing is going to be fun! I have plans for a few long-sleeved tops/tunics which should work through the cold weather with leggings/tights and boots! (and sweaters!)
I’m excited for you and your trip to MI, you are going to have so much fun being with your kids and granddaughter!! I need to watch that movie, it’s up in the queue and now to find some time to watch it.
I haven’t watched the Guernsey movie yet – maybe next week on week two of vacation! All your other stuff is great but I’m not sure I’m ready for cooler days just yet!
I’ll be watching the Guernsey movie soon as I did love the book. I am not ready for the cooler weather and am happily anticipating the 90 degree weather coming next week. Though I must admit…this was a hot summer. I’m glad your vacation is almost here!
Wow! That is a lot of reading. Sometimes you just have to say “no” in order to recapture some joy.