This image should be a reminder of how I should start every day – really. It entirely changes the perspective of Monday from something harsh, to something most definitely not.
Calm. Quiet. Meditative. Restless.
I had some moments of doubt as I began knitting over the weekend.
Ambah’s ADVENTurer wrap got off to an uncertain start. KSH is lovely, but it’s entirely unforgiving of mistakes. You can carefully un-knit a stitch or two, but ripping back is an exercise in futility. My early and hopeful start on Saturday was in reality slow and needed to be repeated – I had cast on the wrong number of stitches. I also had momentary doubts about knitting with KSH…k2tog and ssk’s are easy stitches, until they are not… and with KSH they are definitely not! But my perseverance and working with my restlessness and this morning as I gather this soft, gossamer fabric in my hands as I knit, and all doubt vanishes. This is just what I want to knit right now!
Saturday, I also started the Project Peace Cowl – foolishly thinking this would be a wonderful last-minute and easy Christmas gift. Last night I got in bed to knit a bit while Steve watched the start of the Steeler’s game and I discovered I had an issue with the number of stitches not matching up with the chart – and so I ripped out my fitful start and will begin again today. What I thought was going to be an easy knit, is absolutely not having an easy start. I will try and begin again this morning.
While none of this sounds calm, quiet, or meditative…there is a sense of restlessness that I am welcoming in my Advent journey and this morning as I consider Bonhoeffer’s advice on waiting… “Not everyone can wait: neither the sated nor the satisfied nor those without respect can wait. The only ones who can wait are people who carry restlessness around with them.” I hope to spend my Advent learning to be restless so that I can become better at waiting!
I send you a happy and restless Monday!
I’m sorry the stitches are not working out as they should. Perhaps they dislike Monday, too? I hope they cooperate more for you going forward.
The KSH may be fiddly to work with, but it sure is beautiful!
Oh but you are learning even as you rip out . Im restless that’s for certain and it is not a comfortable place to be. The yarn is so fine and lovely.
The photo looks so peaceful … but I can so appreciate how the mind behind all of that is not. So Appreciate! I have yet to pick up any knitting today … and I think I’m going to opt for something easier than kidsilk haze tonight!
I was going to start the Peace cowl this weekend but decided to wait until I find a yarn I lobpve. I like your thought on waiting and restlessness
You make it look easy on the outside, but I know from experience that is so often not the case. Breathe and knit and be patient. Your KSH wrap will be lovely whenever you finish.
Kid Silk Haze creates a gorgeous fabric but I agree that it’s not easy to work with. I started my Peace Cowl on Sunday – wow that’s a lot of stitches to cast on! I didn’t get far with it on Sunday and didn’t get to work on it at ALL yesterday.
Patience is a hard thing to find and one thing we need to practice. Winter is full waiting, restlessness, longing for what is to come. I join you with a restless spirit, which I intend to nurture.
I started the three color cashmere cowl for me because I am done with the holiday knitting!
Interesting ideas. The KSH looks like a cloud – such a beautiful photo. Best of luck with those peaceful waiting projects.
What an interesting- if being restless makes me better at waiting then sign me up!