Dear Kat,
This Focus Journey has truly shed a beacon of light on how much of your time you spend dwelling in the past or worrying about what is to come. And, this month you have tried so hard to stay with “what lies within” me – in the here and now. I know it has not been an easy journey and the lightbulb did not really go off until you started reading Maria Shriver’s devotional book, I’ve Been Thinking… You had not even finished the first chapter and her words of wisdom began to put the pieces together for you: “So today, start where you are. The past is gone. The future isn’t here. This day offers each of us a chance to be the person we want to be. Not the person we wish we had been yesterday or want to be tomorrow, but the person we already are.”
That is what I have been nudging you toward but I get that sometimes it is easier to hear that from someone else rather than me. But, believe me when I tell you that it is okay to stop carrying around some of the baggage you don’t really want to let go of. You can and it will be okay. That baggage is not a badge of honor, no matter how much you think it is. Just.let.go.
And, if you do that, you won’t have to worry about what lies ahead either – you can just focus on being the person you already are and have fun doing it!
I am joining Juliann and I hope you visit and see where other’s words are taking them!
What a beautiful letter and lovely photo. That letting the past linger is real. Thank you for writing about this today.
Even if the past has left you with baggage that you know you should let go of, it’s often easier said than done. I hope you are finding ways to just let go, feel the relief of setting it by the wayside, and focus on being the wonderful Kat that lies within.
Letting go is the hardest thing we ever have to do. May your journey be one of joy and beauty.
I hope you’re able to take your message to yourself to heart — I hope I can remember to try to do the same and to live in the moment!
Oh what a lovely letter. <3
It’s wonderful when just the right words show up at just the right moment! XO
Sounds like that book came at just the right time for you. I’m glad you can take those words to heart and use them to help you on your journey with your word.
Hm, I might have to read this book! Love how your thoughts run similar to mine at times. I wish you success on your focus!
Dear Kat!
You got this!
I started Maria Shriver’s book this weekend too! Great minds…and all that jazz!
PS. I almost didn’t recognize you
Very thoughtful post. Why is it so hard to let things go? The relief is wonderful though and I remind myself that “forgiveness is a gift I give myself.” Beautiful photo.
Beautiful, Kat – you and the words!!
p.s. I have the book on hold …. and now I’m #1 in line!