Welcome to the “Beware the ides of March” edition of TGIF!
It has been a week and a half (or at least it certainly feels that way to me!) I guess a week with meetings, vet appointments, and an inordinate amount of phone calls will do that for you! But it is finally Friday and even though we had a huge slice of spring yesterday – we have that four-letter word in the forecast for this weekend. I am desperately hoping the weather persons are all wrong!
But, enough with the weather and way-to-long weeks… lets get this weekend started already!
Terrific, tremendous, and terribly wonderful!!
I have the front of Deschain completed! I love how it looks and I will get the back cast on this morning. I did one extra repeat of the pattern and I am very happy with the length. The only fiddly part of the back will be the short rows. I do have one question for you, Gentle Readers, what would you use to seam this up?
Game on –
The Madness begins on Sunday and I am really excited for this year’s tournaments. I will be filling out my brackets on Monday and spending some quality television time over the next couple of weeks! This also means quality knitting time!! The “First Four” games start on the 19th and the full tournament tips off on Thursday.
Ireland Forever (or Éirinn go Brách) –
That’s right, Sunday is also St. Paddy’s Day and my corned beef is all set to go! I am trying Andrew Zimmern’s recipe this year and, honestly?? My mouth is watering thinking about it! Steve has also been sending me links of things to make with the leftovers. Look for these Irish Nachos or these Brisket Nachos to occur sometime next week! We have plenty of Guinness on hand which will help me forget the predicted cold weather.
Fotography Friday –
Yes, I am joining kmkatt for her Friday Fun. The photo I have chosen is courtesy of timehop. I cannot believe that 10 years have passed since this photo was taken because in my mind it really seems like it was yesterday. It was a rare glorious March day which made it perfect to visit Lake Michigan! It was equally perfect and so amazing to meet the woman in the photo again. This woman holds a very special place in my heart and seeing her all grown up was truly a lovely gift.
That is all I have for this week! Have a great weekend and I will see you all back here on Monday!
Mow my mouth is watering for corned beef, too!
Your Deschain front looks fab! I would try seaming with something in a similar color but thinner, if you have or can find such a thing. I’ve even heard of people using cotton embroidery thread (not the floss — the kind that looks like a two-ply yarn).
That does look like a perfect summer top! No ideas on the seaming-up, though. . . sorry. Enjoy your corned beef — and the leftovers.
Wow that knit up fast! It’s looking good.
Have a wonderful St. Paddy’s Day (and THANK YOU for not calling it “St. Patty’s”!)
Perfect summer top I LOVE it
I’m on the fence about making a corned beef for tomorrow but I’m sure yours will be delicious. Hope the snow stays far away!
ooohhh, Irish Nachos?!!! I am not a fan of corned beef, but maybe I’ll pickup some Guiness. My suggestion for seaming – split the yarn into two equal parts and use that (I did that when I seamed my Quintessential Cardigan last spring and it worked great) – the color will match perfectly and you won’t have all the bulk of a full strand (note this assumes the yarn is sturdy – i.e., when you tug on it, it doesn’t break easily).
Love your sweater-to-be, and it sounds like Mary has a good seaming suggestion. As for corned beef, I use my former neighbor’s recipe because she said her kids loved it. And so did mine, her recipe that is. Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
the sweater is so pretty and the sunshine cast on it is even more beautiful!