This has been a very mixed bag week, but it is finally Friday, so I am setting the week aside and making room for the weekend!
Tracking my brackets!
This might be my best start of any bracket I have done in years! And, believe me there have been years that my bracket was blown on Day One, but this year I only missed two picks on the first day! And, there were some crazy good games yesterday!! You would think with all this basketball, I’d have some knitting to show for it… think again, lol.
Good plans, bad timing??
So, my plans for knitting yesterday somehow went by the wayside. There was a trip to Costco and then during dinner a conversation started about possibly moving the bedroom furniture around… which then morphed into moving the bedroom furniture around after dinner. Yes, we have completely and totally lost our minds. We managed to get things moved enough to go to bed – but it was not pretty. You know what I am doing today… more bedroom furniture moving!!
Inspired to Sew…
A few Bunny Bags to fill with treats for the kids and Genevieve! These were courtesy of the Bernina We All Sew Newsletter yesterday – and so timely. I would love to join Kym with her latest knitting obsession, but I think the sewing of bunnies might be easier (and quicker) than knitting an army of bunnies!
I also stumbled upon a new-to-me magazine yesterday which has FREE PATTERNS available on their website!
Fotograph Friday!
And, finally – I am joining kmkat again this week with a photograph from one year ago! Yes – we had a doozy of a snow storm and damned if we don’t have snow and gale-freaking-force winds in the forecast today. Spring!! I am looking at you! I am a wee bit concerned about my lilacs!!
That’s all I have for this week! Have a great weekend everyone!
Since I have been moving furniture for new carpet I really feel your pain. I hope you like the new set up in your bedroom! I checked out my photo of one year ago. It looks much the same today as it did then…gloomy! Come on out spring!
Oh boy, I know how that goes when you start talking about doing something and the next thing you know you’re in the middle of it! I hope the furniture moving takes a minimum of time so you can get back to knitting and basketball.
I love to rearrange furniture! I hope you have a fun weekend that is filled with a new to you bedroom and some knitting and I think it’s going to be nice weather!!
Remember to add your link to my post 🙂 Re: lilacs. If what you have are old-fashioned lilacs (the kind that spread) I wouldn’t be too worried. It seems they have evolved to handle anything Mother Nature can throw at them.
Hope by now your bedroom is all fixed up and that you will have a great weekend!
Have a great weekend and enjoy your “new” bedroom.
Our bedroom is torn up right now because we are stripping wallpaper and painting. We’ve still been able to sleep in there but I think today we’ll be moving into the guest room until the job is finished. You must have a lot of bedroom furniture if you had to move it around that much!
Oh boy … it is definitely a mixed blessing, but Marc feels too old to even contemplate moving furniture. Thankfully I like things the way they are! … and wow – based on comments to yesterday’s post, I’m thinking that glance back to last year maybe doesn’t look too different from this year … I need to see what it looked like in my world!
reporting back – NO evidence of spring in any of the photos from my last week of March, 2018 … maybe because I had a cold that wouldn’t let go .. but likely because it wasn’t nice outside.
Those Bunny Bags are adorable and maybe even thinking I could use one as project bag. We have steam radiators in every room and they pretty much dictate the one way we can place furniture into the rooms. Moving furniture sounds like fun!