Begin with unedited Words of Now…
Lenten devotions, still. Stillness. Meditating. Listening…hard. Open windows and cool breezes. Bird songs and snoring dog. The smell of spring rain. The hint of leaves that overnight burst into reality. Iced coffee. Pilates and a walk. A full week. Planning and list making. Transplanting seedlings. Hallelujah Chorus practicing. Never ending laundry. Knitting. And taxes. Oh, those taxes. TODAY!
What are your Words of Now as you begin the week?
My Monday started with words of urgency, as there are looming deadlines at work. But I have dinner and mahjong with friends to look forward to, so there is something good on the other side of the stress.
Good luck with the taxes!
Taxes, gratitude, laundry hung outdoors, doctors, tests, bruises, meditation, more gratitude, maybe knitting!
My words of Monday are . . . TAXES DONE!!! 🙂
rain, birdsong, cleaning, laundry, knitting … and need to make a few lists! (and happy that Taxes! was not one of my words … ours are done!)
Words for Monday: sunshine, friends, coffee, walk, more sunshine. Spring.
Your words oh “Now “ so very refreshing & calming. Merci!
Monday…Pittsburgh (Doug had a quick overnight), freezing, exercise, work, wine!
Beautiful stream of consciousness.
my right now: gym sore, tired from babysitting, catching up with the internet, ignoring the news, itching to knit soon!! thankful for health and happiness!
ordering all the things on amazon, wrapping things up, and by the week’s end-relaxing-like really relaxing!