Ahhh! This week, despite its disasters, was one of getting back to normal. Steve was back to work on Monday and I spent the week easing back into my daily routine and I am very ready for a normal weekend so let’s get this started!
Thinking About –
Women’s rights. I confess that for the first time in my life I am genuinely concerned about things I have taken for granted for almost my entire life. And the things happening recently in Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, Kentucky, and Ohio are scary – so scary. But, honestly, for me it all comes down to this – no one should ever tell a woman what she can or cannot do with her body. And, in case you think this is all about the “sanctity” of human life – realize this: not one of the people voting for these laws gives a rat’s ass about children in cages, or about helping single mothers on WIC, or about the thousands of children in the foster care system. This is all about men controlling women and it makes me insanely angry.
Gardening –
Yesterday was a beautiful sunny day here in Pittsburgh – so I took advantage of that fact and spent some more time trying to finish up the vegetable gardens. Thankfully, gardening is the perfect outlet to direct some of my anger from this week’s news! And I even planted a few things! Steve added Moo-nure to the big beds yesterday and I hope to get the rest of the little plants in today. All this gardening has really done a number on my hands though, especially my poor nails. Oh boy. They are such a sad mess and I don’t think a manicure is going to fix them! But those garden beds are looking awesome, so it is a worthwhile trade off or at least that’s what I am telling myself! lol
Inspired by –
The latest Pom Pom Quarterly! Bravo to them for the beautifully varied body sizes! And, there are so many “I want to knit that” items! Like this, and this, and this, and this!
Focus –
My focus entirely slipped off the radar at the beginning of the month. Vacation time is not at all conducive to having any morning quiet time to get my inner self ready for the day! I missed it so much and I learned how important this time is for my focus! So, despite having a couple of days with a plethora of work men around, for the most part I was able to start my day with a focus – quiet and alone (except for Sherman who fortunately is not chatty in any way at all, lol). I did not realize how much I crave quiet in the morning nor did I realize how important that quiet is to my mental well-being.
That is all I have for today. I hope that your week was full of good things and that your weekend will be full of weekending! See you back here on Monday!
The recent news sure is scary and maddening, that’s for sure.
Sanctuary and Rookwood are both gorgeous! I may just need to get that issue of Pom Pom.
I’m with you on the quiet time in the a.m. I crave it and if I don’t get it? Watch out world!!
Wishing you a fun, relaxing weekend – enjoy!!
I am pretty much paralyzed by anger and fear over what is happening right now. It’s really not about caring about the sanctity of life — if it was, these same people would be abolishing the death penalty and up in arms about the child who have died in CBP custody. It’s about controlling women, pure and simple. I’m thankful to live where I do, but my heart is breaking for the women who are most immediately affected by these laws. 2020 can’t come soon enough!
I can’t imagine any woman, no matter her political orientation, letting old white men control her and her body, so I have to have faith we’ll rise up and vote them out in 2020. For now I’m relying on and donating to the ACLU and PP. It is a very scary time .
I have been craving quiet lately. The hustle and bustle of the end of the school year makes me want to lock myself away for a day or two. That time will come soon enough.
I have had some absolutely fascinating conversations with my students about the old white men declaring their power over women’s health issues. I’m proud that my students are open-minded and carefully listening instead of parroting what they’re hearing as buzzwords from the Twittersphere.
I agree with everything you said about women’s rights being under attack. I’m glad I live in Massachusetts, I can tell you that. I’m all about that quiet time every day – it’s how I recharge my batteries and become able to face the world . . . and people! As for the gardening, even though I hate them, I always wear gloves and it makes a big difference for my nails.
Happy Weekend! I’m so with you on the women’s rights … and keeping up my early morning time. I often let it slip when I’m away from home, but I’m really committed this year to keeping up that routine.
I’ve been troubled by the news and your thinking about is what i’ve been thinking about. It’s amazing that we are at this point…..gah. My vacation is coming up and I am so excited for it, but I have weeks to wait.